32. To Pay The Cost

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“She did what?” Kull is looking at me like I just grew horns and farted the National Anthem. 

“Tried to kill me!” Susan has been hysterical for about the past half hour. As soon as Finlay had blocked my unintended attack, she started screaming. And is yet to stop. “She’s a True alright, a murderous Rook!” She screams the last word and looks at me, her eyes boiling and red.

“Except I didn’t actually murder anyone.” We’re standing in the boardroom again, this time, I’m standing alone, whilst Finlay, Susan and the Commanders look at me. It’s like I’m in the headmaster’s office, but in a really messed-up school. “Just ‘cos loads of Trues have become Rooks that doesn’t mean I will. Right?” I look at Finlay for confirmation of this, but he just averts his eyes whilst everyone shares shifty glances.

“That’s all True’s are,” Susan sneers. “Dirty killers. You’re one of them alright.”

“Enough!” Miss Ever says and Susan shuts her flapping mouth. “Yes, Miss True, many of your family have been famous Rooks, and yes, your little demonstration today would indicate strong potential to become one also, but that’s besides the point.” She fixes me with a stern glare. “You cannot use such weaponry against your fellow Sorcerers!”

“I didn’t mean to or nothing,” I say, and it sounds like I’m whining at my Mum.

“And we’re meant to believe that?” Susan points at me. “She should be locked in the Cage.”

“Let me just be sure I’m hearing things correctly. You telekinetically launched several of those enormous wooden targets across a room?” Kull ignores Susan’s noise and stares right at me.

“Yep.” I look down at the floor. Please don’t put me in the Cage

“Without really intending to?” Kull says.

“That’s right.”

“A True with Telekinesis?” Miss Ever gasps. “That hasn’t been seen since-”

“A long time,” Arkwright interrupts her, twisting his mustache. “TK is a rare gift for any Sorcerer, but to have such power right off the bat.” He narrows his eyes. “It’s quite something.”

“Look, I didn’t want to hurt anyone.” My words fall out in a rush. “I was training, like you wanted. Then, I dunno, I was tired, Susan and I had words, and then it just happened.” I force myself to look at Susan. “I’m sorry if you got scared or hurt yourself.”

“I wasn’t scared!” She’s quick to say. “I knew Finlay would protect me. I’m family. I’m important.” She tosses her head and looks at the Commanders. “It’s just everyone else I’m concerned for. I mean goodness knows what harm she could do if she’s let loose on everyone.”

“Noted,” Kull says coolly. “But as serious as this is, we have a more pressing situation.” She lifts her head. “Come in please!” The door opens and in file a couple of Hawks, with Asher! He’s in full fatigues, carrying one of those Bayonets and his hair’s been cut even shorter. I hardly recognise him. “There’s a shipment of medical supplies due shortly and we’re short handed.” 

“And you’re sending Asher?” I shake my head. “No, uh-uh. You can’t send him out there!”

“We have to send a full team to do this. Asher needs to earn his keep. Get real world experience as a Hawk sentry.” Kull leers at me. “As do you. Finlay can lead the team to the rendezvous point and bring you all back. It’s simple.”

“You’re sending me on a supplies run?” Finlay looks at Kull, confused. “Are we thathard up for bodies?”

“You’ve seen the way our men have been decimated in the recent attacks.” Kull dismisses him with a wave of her hand. “I can’t spare a full complement at the moment for a mere supplies run. Everyone’s either in the Bay trying to get back to full health or they’re out on ops that we can’t terminate.” 

“But, you can’t send us out, I can barely make a shield spell!” Oh God, I’m breathing  so fast I might pass out. Kull smiles and I think it’s meant to be reassuring. It isn’t. The way it twists her face makes me feel a bit sick. 

“This is a simple mission. You won’t be alone. I doubt you’ll see so much as a squirrel, let alone enemy troops.” She moves those eyes to Asher. “Your friend here looks ready for it. Are you ready, Hawk Montani?” Her lips curl around his name.

“Yeah, I mean, yes. I am,” he says hoarsely, then looks at me. “We can do this, Sis. We’ll make it. Easy peasy.”

I look into his wide, anxious eyes, and nod. Man. I feel heavier with the need to look after him. He might have the gun, but if we’re in a situation where magic is needed, he won’t stand a chance, unless by some miracle I become like, good at it. I look back at Kull, who has been watching us speak with slitted, clever eyes.

“So, what was that earthquake about then?” I ask, making her jump. She wasn’t expecting me to address her.

“It was what we thought.” She avoids my stare. “The Traitor trying to attack the compound.”

“That little girl must be something special,” I say. “For the Traitor to go to all that trouble.”

“I wouldn’t know,” Kull replies. “But I lost yet more good men last night. We drove him off, way beyond the perimeter though.” She rewards me with a tight smile. “You’ll be fine. Trust me.”

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