43. Close The Show Down.

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When we arrive in the Compound foyer, we are met by Miss Ever and Madam Kull. Kull looks furious, whilst Miss Ever’s face is twisted with guilt and fear. We walk towards them. It’s all I can do to remain upright and keep a straight expression, but somehow I manage to drag my feet forward. William and Ted are helping Ron walk, whilst Susan and Grace support each other. Ed and Asher are also waiting for us, Ed on crutches but looking much stronger. At the sight of Grace covered in blood, he lets out an agonised yell.

“I’m alright!” Grace cries, running to his side. “It’s not mine.” They cradle each other with a tenderness that sends warmth through my cold bones. Asher runs at me, hugs me so tight I want to scream with pain. But it’s so good to see him I deal with it.

“I thought I’d never see you again,” he croaks.

“No way,” I joke, pulling back. “‘Cause what would you do without me?” 

He laughs and dashes a hand across his eyes. “Ain’t that the truth.” He looks at the door hopefully. “Is this... all of you?”

I open my mouth to speak, but I can’t find words. I say nothing as Asher’s expression goes from hope, to disbelief, to sadness in the space of a few seconds, and there is nothing I can say or do to make it better. I just stand there, my very silence a lie.

Kull strides over and yanks me away from Asher, red nails pinching my skin. “You launched an offensive without my permission?” Her eyes tell me she knows the answer.

“Yes Madam Kull.” Private William answers before I can speak. “We felt too strongly that if the Traitor achieved her goal, we’d all be at risk.”

“You deliberately disobeyed me?” Kull narrows her eyes. “Where’s Captain Finlay?”

“He didn’t make it,” I say. The tears in my eyes are real, even if what I’m about to say isn’t. “He died. So did General Arkwright and the child. But Alice is dead. Finlay killed her before he-” I choke on my words, clap my hands over my mouth. I can feel Asher looking at me, the pain rippling off him. He respected Finlay, like a big brother.

“I can’t believe you deliberately disobeyed me!” Kull yells at Private William, like I didn’t even speak. “You three Hawks are in for some serious disciplinary action.” She looks at Miss Ever. “And I trust you will do the same with your girls?”

Miss Ever glances at her Nightingales then at me. “How did it happen?” Is all she says.

“Arkwright and the child bled out from injuries sustained in the battle,” Ted Harrison tells her. “Captain Finlay died taking out the Traitor. It was quick.”

“You lot will face a tribunal for this,” Kull growls.

“Madam Kull,” Miss Ever says. “I knew this was going ahead. I gave my permission.”

“What!” Kull rounds her. “But you heard me explicitly say-”

“Yes, I did. But Arkwright agreed with me. We outnumbered you.”

“And now I have lost a senior Captain, thanks to your treachery!” Her eyes narrow to dark slits. “I will be informing the Coven of your actions.”

“Yeah, why don’t you!” I can’t watch Kull bully the already exhausted Miss Ever. “Why don’t you tell them all about what’s been going on here? I’m sure they’d love to know.”

“What?” Kull looks at me shiftily. Asher touches my shoulder, his eyes full of questions and I swallow. I can’t let on to anyone about Arkwright’s confession. She might guess the truth and all this would have been pointless.

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