Truth or Dare or Drink

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I wake up sweaty with the jeans I wore yesterday clinging onto me. My t-shirt smells like residual nacho cheese from soft pretzels and a hint of mint ice cream. Turning to look, almost hopeful, I search for Vincent on the bed. He's not there. Disappointment washes over me, but I quickly dismiss it. No one seems to be around. I fumble around the bed and find my phone had slipped from my pockets and was wrapped in the layers of blankets. 5:58 pm. Jeez, I overslept. Well, that's an understatement. I practically went into hibernation.

There's a white, styrofoam box on the kitchen table. I'm hesitant to eat it since I'm not sure if it's someone else's food. As I approach it, I realized there a note scribbled on it in sharpie.


Guess it's for me. Inside is a massive breakfast burrito, my favorite breakfast item. My friends must've bought it for me since I slept all day. Only they would know I would prefer this over pancakes and waffles, and that I like broccoli and tortilla chips inside. A bit odd, I know. I'm surprised they even asked for the broccoli since they've witnessed me get dirty looks when I order it at diners.

By the time I finished my burrito, the others started to file into the room.

"Hey, you're finally awake!" Luke says.

"Yeah, you've been sleeping since 7 o'clock yesterday," Logan adds.

"You should see her at our sleepovers. I didn't think she would go to them and sleep for the whole time," Evelyn sighs.

"At least then we can draw on her face," Olivia giggles.

Vivian still doesn't acknowledge me or adds to the conversation. She slips upstairs and Evelyn and Olivia follow her in confusion. They've sensed something is wrong by now.

I try to not to make a big deal out of it and change the topic. "What did you guys do?" I pop the last piece of burrito into my mouth.

"We went to a scary movie and did some go-kart racing. Sorry we didn't wake you up,"Carson explains.

"It's fine. I would've preferred to stay here anyways than to be forced to watch crazy clowns and purposely crash cars," I smile to prove it.

"Well, we're about to go to the pool downstairs if you wanna join."

I see Vincent's head pop up, but he immediately looks back down when he sees me looking at him.

"Um, I forgot to bring a swim suit. I'll probably just lounge around."

"You can go buy one at the mall nearby."

"Eh, it's too much effort."

"Okay. Wait a bit for us to change."

"I'll probably have to change too. My clothes are gross and crusty."

The boys change in their bedroom, so I have the hallway bathroom to myself. I figured I might as well shower since I'm feeling so gross and change into a pair of shorts and a sleeveless, floral-print shirt.

By the time I get out, everyone is already downstairs leaving. On my way out, I swipe an opened bag of potato chips and a can of cola out of the kitchen.

Vivian's new, red swimsuit catches my eye and I approach her to compliment it.

"Vivian, your swimsuit looks-" She brushes past me and rushes to Vincent.

"Do you mind teaching me how to swim?" she asks, wrapping her hands around his arms. He twists out of it by turning around.

"Carson's a lot better at swimming than me. He's on the swim team. Right, Carson?"

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