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If it wasn't strange enough that the most popular boy in eleventh grade was hanging out with me, it's even stranger he's hanging out with my dad. Yep, Vincent has been coming to my house every Sunday to watch football with my dad. Every time, he would bring food with him like burgers and cupcakes. I only stay with them during the game, so I can partake in the food. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to handle how weird it felt. Plus, I don't know a think about football besides the fact people play with a ball that's not shaped like a ball.

Since we came back from fall break, people have definitely noticed how Vincent is often around me. Not like he wasn't before, but people had a reasonable explanation- Vincent was trying to get close with Vivian, and I was lucky enough to take be her friend to be able to be around him too. I even thought the same thing. Since Vivian is no longer on good terms with me, but Vincent still is, people who have never talked to me before have been trying to get friendly with me.

It usually started off with a "Hey, you're Vivian's friend, right?" I would respond with "sort of" and tried to end the conversation. Usually, they did stop the conversation. However, everyday they started small talk with me. Maybe if they did that longer I would actually think they wanted to know me. It was obvious they were just trying to get into the gossip when they got impatient and asked me about Vincent after a couple of days. Whatever they asked, I just said I was his tutor. They looked unsatisfied with answer, but no matter how much they pressed me, I didn't say anything else. In school, anything you say could and will be used against you. My distrust in people have caused me to lack in making any close friends. That and I'm boring.

My phone rings and I lift my head up. It's not my lunch alarm, but a text from Vivian. Vivian? Vivian! Without hesitation, I open the text.

Vivian: Why are you telling people we're friends?

Me: I didn't say that. They asked me so I answered with sort of.

Vivian: We're not sort of friends. You stabbed me in the back. You knew I liked Vincent, but you still went after him. You could've been honest instead of using and lying to me.

Me: I didn't go after him. I promise I tried my best to set a date up between you guys.

Vivian: I saw you as a best friend and you treated me this way. I just want to be clear that you hurt me too much. We can't be friends anymore.

Me: I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to hurt you, Vivian. Can we please talk after school?

Vivian: I can't trust you anymore.

Me: I understand. I'm sorry even though my apology won't do much.

After I pressed send my face drops into my backpack. My arms cross so that the sides of my hidden. Salty tears trickle even though I shut my eyes tight with all my might hold them back. You messed everything up, Wendy. She hates you for sure now. You're an idiot. Why would you even think she would forgive you after what you did? You should've been honest. Why did you get too close to Vincent?

"Wendy, I got fries!" Vincent sings and plops down next to me. He shakes my shoulder a bit. "Wake up."

"Eat without me. I'm not hungry," I say hoarsely.

"You're never not hungry," Vincent reputes.

"Today's an exception."

"Tell me what happened."

"Nothing. I'm just not hungry." My mouth may be able to tell lies, but my stomach doesn't. A whiff of the fries are enough to make my stomach growl.

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