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Fall break was like a portal I fell through, and it landed me in a new universe. The following week was difficult since I and to get used to a different reality. Before, I was an outcast, but at least I still had friends. Now, I was a complete pariah. The Monday after break, I waited 20 minutes for them to come to the lunch table and they never came. The message was clear, so I left. The next day, our usual table was taken over by another clique and I spotted my friends at another table. Though, I'm not sure if I would still be considered their friend. I betrayed Vivian. I deserved this.

The only one I would interact with was Olivia. She would look at me and give me a weak smile when I pass. Olivia was never the type of person to hold grudges, but Evelyn and Vivian probably wouldn't like if she was still talking with the traitor. Our daily exchanges of silent friendly acknowledgement was enough to make me feel a bit less lonely.

Carson stopped following Vivian around, so the twins naturally stopped as well. Along with Vincent, they started their original lunch routine of visiting multiple people. I catch myself looking at Vincent when I pass through the cafeteria, his eyes shift no around every now and then as if he's looking and waiting for something.

During lunch, I tried to go to the library, but ever since that one librarian got mad at me for sleeping, I feel like I'm being too intently watched in there. Now, I sit outside at an empty table near the large dumpsters. It smells so rancid there, no one ever bothers to sit there. It's perfect, complete isolation. Besides, I usually had my face buried into my backpack anyways to smell anything. Plus, I usually spray a bit of body mist onto my backpack and air it off a bit so I fall asleep to the subtle scent of apples. I would never use perfume unless I wanted to murder my nose. I did encounter the dilemma of sleeping past the bell, so I have to set an alarm.

The week crawled into Friday so slowly. I want it to be over with so I can spend the entire weekend sleeping and wake up to everything back to normal. I know that's not possible though. A girl can wish.

A ring on my phone wakes me up, mistaken as my alarm. It's Vincent again. He keeps texting me everyday during lunch.

Vincent:Where are you?

Me: Bathroom.

I've been saying the same place the entire week. I purposely chose the bathroom since it's the one place he can't check.

Vincent: You're not in there.

Me: How would you know?!

Vincent: I asked a girl coming out. She said no one else is in there.

Me: I'm in a different one.

Vincent: The other ones are blocked off.

Shoot. I forgot that the deans block the stairs and doors in the cafeteria to prevent students from messing around in the halls while other classes are in session.

Me: Whatever. Just stop standing in front of the bathroom and harassing girls. People will think you're some kind of pervert.

Vincent: Tell me where you are and I'll stop.

Me: Stand there then.

Someone calls me and my phones starts ringing. It's Vincent. Why would he call me?

"Found you," Vincent smiles and jogs up to me from the corner of the school building. "Ugh, it stinks here."

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