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"Wendy, can we talk in private?"

"Sure," I agree. Ally leads the way down the bleachers and I follow her. Mia is behind us. I leave my backpack with Vincent's things on the bleachers. Before turning the corner of the school building, I check on him. He's stretching on the grass, getting ready for his laps, oblivious to my absence so far.

Ally stops next to my usual lunch table. She picked an ideal spot. No one comes here. She turns around and sternly looks at me. Mia stands by her side, arms crossed.

"I try to be your friend and you go ahead and flirt with my boyfriend?" Ally accuses, cutting immediately to the point.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, trying to stay clam.

"Bryan told me all about it. You were trying to hook up with him in the diner bathroom."

]I purse my lips. "I'm not the least bit interested in Bryan."

"Don't lie. Otherwise, why were you taking so long in the bathroom?"

"Even if I explain it to you, would you believe me?"

Ally is silent and her eyes widen a bit from my words. She must've expected me to try to defend myself immediately.

"N-n-no," she stutters. "After all, you did the same thing to  Vivian. Ouch, salt on an opened wound.

"Whatever you may think, I'm not that type of girl. I couldn't give any less care about your boyfriend. I'm just trying to pass my classes and get out of here after next year."

"My boyfriend doesn't give a crap about you either. Why would he bother making this up?"

"Since you already don't like me, I'm going to be honest. You like Vincent."

Ally's face heats up and her jaws tightened from gritted teeth.

"You and Bryan both know you only dated him to make Vincent jealous. All I did was piss Bryan off by rejecting his attempt to get back at Vincent."

"Stop lying!" Ally suddenly flares up.

"Yeah, stop saying shit," Mia defends Ally.

"I don't want to be in your business, but since I'm already dragged it, I'm going to be honest with you. If you like Vincent,  just talk to him. Don't try to make him jealous by using other people. You're only going cause trouble for Vincent."

"What do you know?" Ally spats. "You act all high and mighty, but you're a nobody. The only reason why people haven't started shit with you is because you're using Vincent to protect yourself. You talk like you're righteous, but you're using Vincent to get back at Vivian."

"Vivian was my friend. Why would I have anything against her?"

"Don't play dumb. Everyone knows you were really just jealous of her all these years," Mia says, starting to get irritated as well.

Ally scoffs. "Talk to Vincent? When you're clinging to him all the time? You really think we'll believe you'll let any other girl near him?"

"I'm only his friend. I don't own Vincent. If he wants to go out with someone, I'm not going to interfere."

"Stop acting like you're better than everyone else. You got cocky just cause you have Vincent with you. Learn your place, bitch!"

Ally slams her palm against the side of my face, whipping my head to the side. My arms stay at my side and my eyes blankly blink at the pavement. 

"What? You realized you don't have Vincent to come running and save you?" She shoves me, sending me skidding across the cement. Loose rocks scrape against my palms that try to stop my fall. I'm laying on my side, looking up at Ally as calm as possible. My indifference is only fueling her fire, making her even more enraged. Mia gets nervous and grabs Ally's arm.

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