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I'm relieved the one time I'm sick it's during break. There is no way I can afford to miss a single day, or I would be set back and my grades would plummet. Maybe I'm too dramatic, but I can't depend on people to actually give me a decent summary of what I missed or expect them to have take great notes. All these years, no matter how miserable, I pushed myself to walk to school with a pack of tissues and cough drops.

It couldn't be any more ironic that I yelled at Vincent for wearing a thin shirt, when I'm the one who got sick. Though, I'm too stubborn to admit it, so I decline his offer to hang out by saying I have to take Wilbur to the vet. I said he had the flu, but I'm not really sure turtles get the flu.

Vincent: Hey, I'm at the front of your house.

Me: I told you. I'm at the vet. Wilbur's being checked right now.

Vincent: Turtles can't get the flu, unless the virus mutates, but that would take a long time. Jeez, Wendy. You take biology and you couldn't make up a believable lie?

Shoot. Vincent is better than me when it comes to biology. Well, he's better at any subject besides math.

Me: I'm on my period. Leave me alone.

Vincent: I brought food.

Me: Fine. 

I roll off my tissue and mucus covered bed to slowly crawl down the stairs, taking a break every fee steps. After a while, I finally make it the door. I try to compose myself to look decent and less miserable than I was before opening the door.

"Hey," I say, my voice hoarse from a sore throat.

"I brought lasagna." He holds up a plastic bag with two styrofoam boxes inside.

I make way so Vincent can come in and he heads towards the kitchen to set it down.

"My mom accidentally doubled the recipe, so she told me to bring you some," Vincent explains, taking out a box. "I got one box for Wren and your dad, and this one is for us."

"Thanks." I start to feel better already from the smell of warm tomato sauce and cheese.

"Did you just wake up?" I'm assuming that Vincent is curious as to why I'm still in pajama pants and my hair looks like a birds nest.

"Sort of."

"Sorry if I woke you up."

"No, I was already awake. Just didn't get out of bed yet."

Shoot, I didn't even brush my teeth yet. I probably have to do that before I eat.

"You're sick aren't you?"

"Is being in my period considered being sick?"

"You don't think I know you had your period two weeks ago?"

"No, I don't, because that's creepy."

"I'm just trying to be aware so I can supply you with snacks and not get on your nerves," Vincent says defensively.

"How did you know?"

"You sat wierd."

"You know I normally sit?"

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