Author's Note

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So we reach the end of Rayne's first book.

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of you who have followed me through the process of writing this book. I appreciate every single one of your votes and comments, they've been great feedback and an even better motivational force to help me keep writing. If it wasn't for the lovely people I've encountered here I'm not sure Rayne would have ever been finished.

I hope you're all not hating me too much for the cliffhanger ending there. I can promise that the sequel will begin posting very soon. I have already completed drafts of the first few chapters so keep your eyes out for a posting very soon.

It would also be great if any of you who have Facebook would like my author page, click the website button on my profile. I'll be posting news, updates and maybe even a few sneak peaks.

Thank you all again, and keep a look out for book two, to be titled Hell's Requiem.

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