06. Too Much*

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"No no Jay it's alright. It's just I don't want to invade his privacy." Harry said smiling at Jay.

"Well, it seems like there's no other option. It's okay for you to give him a bath if that doesn't bother you." Jay said feeling more guilty.

"Is it okay? I don't wanna do this if this makes you or him uncomfortable." Harry said hesitantly.

"No, we are okay. But do it only if you're comfortable with this." Jay said.

"It's okay for me. He'd get a rash if someone didn't was him soon. I would do that." Harry said and Jay ran a bath after stripping down Louis while he still clung to Harry. Harry held the boy tight against his body and rocked back and forth. After the bath is ready he tried to put the boy in the bathtub but he refused to let go just like before.

"Okay, love. Now let go so I can wash you." Harry cooed. But Louis just clung onto him. Harry sighed and was about to get in the bathtub with Louis still fully clothed himself.

"Harry you don't have to do this. I will manage somehow." Jay said feeling so much guilty.

"No, it's okay. I have pee in my clothes anyway and I have some spare clothes in my car." He said smiling reassuringly at Jay and getting in the bathtub. Liam and Zayn who finished cleaning up the couch came and were standing near the bathroom door.

"Zee do you mind bringing some clothes for me? The key would be on the coffee table." Zayn nodded and left. Harry started washing the sleepy boy who kept sucking on his own thumb, halfway asleep. He was so worn out from the episode he had before.

When harry is done with washing Louis up Zayn came back with his clothes. Harry scooped up Louis and got out of the tub only for Jay to wrap Louis in a warm towel. Harry again tried to hand Louis over to Jay so he could change but Louis kept clinging to Harry.

After a while Louis felt cold and then he let go of Harry. Harry handed him up to Liam since Jay is not able to handle the sleepy boy. Everyone left the bathroom and Harry changed into his fresh clothes.

When he went out of the bathroom with his dirty clothes he could hear faint cries from upstairs. He slowly made his way up the stairs and followed the cries which lead to Louis' room. He stood in the doorway.

Jay was having struggle of getting Louis into his clothes. He was sleepy and a sleepy Louis isn't a very peaceful Louis. 

"C'mon baby enough of giving trouble now. Be a good boy and get into these pajamas." Jay sighed exhaustedly. But Louis kept kicking his legs.

"Liam, please hold him down for me. I can't keep up with his fits anymore." Jay said 'Cos enough is enough. Liam held Louis down by his hips while he kicked and writhed around. Jay somehow managed to get one of Louis' legs inside pajama bottom but only for him to kick it away.

"Louis stop that now. Oh god, this is too much." Jay lets out a loud sigh and ran her palm down her face. Louis just kept crying and kicking while patting his own face repeatedly.

"Here Jay, let us handle this. You take a little break in your bedroom till we finish. Yeah?" Harry said not being able to stay put while looking at Jay's frustrated state. Jay sent him an 'Are you sure?' look to which Harry nodded reassuringly.

Once Jay left the room Harry walked up to Louis, who is now released from Liam's grasp. Harry sits himself down on the bed and strokes his fingers through Louis' caramel locks and hums a little tune to which Louis perked up at Harry and hummed too. Now getting his thumb in his mouth and sucking on it like he didn't just throw a fit just few seconds ago. Harry smiled at him and kept humming and stroking his hair.

After a few minutes of that Louis eyes started to flutter closed. When Harry was sure he fell asleep he took the pajamas from Zayn and dressed the sleeping boy careful not to wake him up.

"Wow Haz, how did you do that?" was the first thing Zayn asked.

"Kind of have enough practice with these type of things I guess?" He chuckled.

"Oh yeah your cousin. I forgot." Liam said while cleaning up the little mess Louis made in the room. The room fell silent.

"I will go and check on Aunt Jay now. This is obviously too much for her." Liam sighed breaking the silence in the room.

"Yeah that's good. Go and check on her. We'd be in the living room." Zayn said turning around to leave the room with Harry. Liam walked up to Jay's room and heard faint cries coming from other side of the closed door. He knocked on the door.

"It's me Liam" He sighed. 

"Come in" Jay said after wiping her tears away and tightening her chest so her sobs would stop.

"You know, you don't have to act all strong in front of me aunt Jay." Liam said sitting next to her and wrapping his arms around her shoulder. That's when Jay let go of her act of being strong and fell apart on Liam's shoulder. Liam just let her cry all her pain, sadness, guilty and frustration away.

"It's all gonna be alright aunt. You're not alone you have me, Zayn and even Harry now. He's a caring lad and don't feel guilty for everything. 'Cause Harry did all of those things more than willingly." Liam reasoned.

"I know. Thanks Li" Jay nodded smiling gratefully at her nephew.

"It's alright aunt. Harry would be leaving soon. So I would go downstairs and come down when you're ready." Liam said and left the room after hugging Jay again.


"How is she doing?" Was the first thing Harry asked when Liam got downstairs.

"She's doing alright now" Liam said smiling at his concerned best friend.

"I better get going now." Harry said standing up. Jay came down the stairs and smiled at him.

"Thank you so much love. It was really great having you over. By the way you should come over more often." Jay said now hugging Harry.

"Of course, I would come over again. By the way, thank you for the dinner. It was delicious." Harry hugged her back.

"Thanks love." Jay chuckled.

Once they are at the door, Harry said "Bye Jay. I'll see you soon. Zee, Li we should meet up more often since we are all now in London for a while."

"Of course, bro. I'll call you later. We can meet up." Zayn said, hugging his best friend.

"See you soon Haz." Liam also hugged his best friend. Harry hugged them both back and was in in his car driving to his house in no time. 


(Word Count 1180)

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