Chapter 2

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Caught up
I'm drowing in this crowded sound
I've fallen underneath
So loud it's pounding
All around me

Artist:Ke$ha, Song:31 Seconds Alone

Blaze's Pov.

I saw that same nerdy girl that I see every day, when I come to get my morning coffee, before heading to college. I never really paid much attention to her, till today. She was quite unattractive if you didn’t have the common sense to look past her big, alien, grandma looking glasses.

I ordered my usual, a caramel macchiato to the bleach blonde at the counter, who'd do anything just for a second of my attention; and she would yell the order to the nerd and she'll get right to work not even bothering to glance up at the blonde or me.

She never said a word, and you wouldn’t be able to see her eyes because of her long, out of control bangs, but the glasses pushed the hair up a little, so it held it out of her face a bit.

But she didn’t matter; she was just another girl, out of the millions that live in California. I picked up my drink, paid and walked out of Starbucks. She might be nerdy but she sure did make a great coffee.

Even though a lot of guys didn’t like me, I was that person you wanted to be. The girls flocked me; something about being expressionless really turned them on. But I want worried, I can’t hate them for thinking I look like a god. I just want to graduate and take over my Father's company... I got out of my expensive quality model sports car, and strolled on campus. I didn’t live there, because I lived at my mansion.

The girls immediately saw me and started to follow me. The leader Marnie pushed her against and rubbed my chest.  My face was blank, just like always.

"Hi, Blaze-y! How was your day? You should smile more; I've never seen you smile. You're probably even sexier when you smile." Then she continued to babble on, I stopped listening. I blanked when she said smile, your presence makes me grimace.

Zac walked over, and being the one who actually talked and smiled, some of the girls went over to him.

"Ladies, there's enough of me to go around." Then he beamed them a smile.

"So what's up bro?"

"Nothing, my grandma has been hassling me again." I grumbled, he didn’t exactly know what my grandma was bothering me for, I never actually told him, because then he'll act like Mr. Matchmaker, and hook me up with any dumb-ass pretty girl, that would just annoy me. I liked being alone, I was use to it. Zac was use to my grumbling, so he knew exactly what I said.

"You know she just cares."

"I know, but she doesnt need to, I'll be fine." Zac knew me enough to not stay on the subject long.

"So are you coming with me to the party tonight?"

"I have work to do."

"You always have worked to do, live a little," I gave him a glare. "I'm going to make you go one of these days," Zac always said that after I said no.

I went to my classes, lecture after boring lecture. I probably knew more than the teachers did. Not to sound cocky but, I was Valedictorian, I graduated with a 4.0, I was the quarterback for a year before my dad made me quit, and I was voted as the hottest guy in high school. Everything comes easy to me, especially math. I took the highest math class and it still was challenging, and before you get confused no I am not a nerd, I'm just a good looking guy with brains to match.

Later that day before I left school Zac tried to persuade me one more time to go to the party and once again I declined, I had to get to the office.

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