Chapter 8

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Dont worry if you think this is too fast! B/c its not, they are just getting to know each other, and feel the attraction. The story will slow down and they will start getting to know each other better, and going on dates, and shit like that! Enjoy PLEASE PLEASE PleasE COMMENT And VOTE!!!!


"Dont be a chance misser. You already missed enough chances take this one thats right in front of you, even if it turns out to be wrong."-Zac Taylor

I'm staring at him
But I forget to pick my face up off the floor
I feel like a fool
And even though I do 
I only wanna tell him that I love him more, more

Maybe, maybe in another life
I could be the girl who walks up to the guy
And tells him, tells him how she feels inside
But, not tonight, tonight-Elle Varner, Not Tonight

Sage’s Pov

I woke up with a smile on my face but once I realized that the weekend was over, and that I had to get up and go to work and school, it wiped off my face quickly. School was bearable because of the classes I have with Blaze and then a café spot with Zac while Blaze was in his extra class.

The day went by normal until Zac and I got into the café. Zac was still teasing me about Blaze and I falling.

“You know, I think you two are gonna be the kind of couple that has four kids.”

“What! I would never push that many out of me.”

“So you’re not denying the fact that you're going to have kids with Blaze someday?”

“Zac are you always going to tease me like this?”

He beamed at me, what all girls would consider a heartbreaker smile. “Of course I will little one.”

Marnie then pranced over in her three sizes too small yoga pants and her shirt that was probably still in the baby section at the mall, making her chest look bigger, and sat down right next me. She was so close that I could smell her expensive but heavily put on perfume. Her glossed lips were swollen and red around the edges. You could tell that she just gotten done doing something nasty with a guy.

“What do you want Marnie?” Zac asked rolling his eyes.

“What? I can’t just come and visit my Blaze’s- Opps! I mean Blaze’s new girlfriend?”

“Fiancé,” Zac corrected with a smirk, which caused this wicked witches cauldron to bubble over.

“What!”She screamed, angry at her newly acquired information. “He would marry this low-class weirdo with no future or money, over me!”

“Excuse you, but I do have a future and unlike you, I work for it. Yes, maybe you are a trust-fund baby, with lots of money, but I have more class than you’ll ever have.”

She opened her mouth to make a remark, but it closed, then made an ‘o’ like she’s been slapped. I looked towards the door and saw Blaze walking over.

“Blaze-y did you hear all the mean things she said to me?” She asked him hanging onto his jacket, fake crying. I have to say she was an alright thespian, she brought on the tears quite quickly. Blaze simply pried her hands off of him and walked over to me and Zac.

He pulled me up and out of my seat, wrapped his arms around me, and kissed me on the lips. I didn’t even have time to react. I melted into him right away, even though the kiss only lasted like 30 seconds. Blaze pulled away with a blank look, and Zac had the hugest smile he could muster, on.

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