Chapter 41

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* Anastasia's P.O.V *

I had a month to go before the wedding . A month and I would be Mrs. Mikealson , the eternally young and beautiful original vampire wife of Elijah Mikealson , the handsome , daring , charming and unmerciful of the oldest family of vampires to ever walk this earth . Not only that but Elijah was THE oldest . He was the leader ... the one who actucally thought before he made plans. The strategic one. I was about to become " vampire royalty " . I had to face the facts ... the Mikealsons ruled the world , because it was thiers to rule if not by seniority alone . And I .... would rule along side the most respected of them all . I sighed . What had I gotten myself into . I loved Elijah . I loved the whole family , but could I really handle all of the stress ... ?

" Hold still and suck in ! " Rebeka comanded , snapping me from my thoughts .

I took a deep breath and sucked in , shrinking my small frame while Rebeka tightened the corset back of a wedding dress . We were shopping for one at the most exspensive store on the east coast.I was told it was where they'd gotten my dresses for the ball too .

" I like it . " Elena said , looking up from her phone .

I looked down at the dress covered in feathers and lace 
" Yeah , if I wanna  look like a duck . " I said , rolling my eyes .
" Next one . " Rebaka ordered as Tatia and Caroline returned with at least 25 more dressses .

" This is endless . " I said .

All of these dresses were either to frilly , to puffy , to feathery or to .... plain .

" Here , this one has princess sleeves . " Caroline said.
I rolled my eyes .
" You guys , I'm not dress me up barbie ! " I said , taping my foot in my slip .

They just laughed and slid me into another mass of white fabric .

" No way in hell would I wear this. I look like a pillow case . " I said , slidding it off.

Caroline and Rebeka looked annoyed .
" What is wrong ? " Rebeka asked .
" It's just ... finally hitting me . I need a miniute ." I said .

They nodded and walked out of my dressing room . I slid on a robe and slipped out the back way into the warehouse room where they kept all of the dresses in stock and I decided to look through them myself . I gasped when I found the perfect dress , fit for a future queen of the vampires . It was so elegant and beautiful . The dress was ivory with short lace sleeves , a low sweetheart neckline and a bow around the torso . The full skirt fanned out with some lace pannels and I grabbed the hanger and slid into it carefully . I walked back out into the room where Elena , Caroline , Tatia and Rebeka were waiting and they gasped , their faces losing color at the suprise . I smiled .

" What do you think ? " I asked .
" It's ..... goregous . " Elena said .
" You look ... magnificent . " Caroline managed.
" Perfect ! I don't think that there's another dance to match it anywhere . " Rebeka said .
" You look ... like a queen . " Tatia said .

I smiled and for the first time looked at myself in the mirror . A beautiful girl , ever as regal as any dictary around the world stood in my place .

" This is the one . " I said .

Everyone smiled and we all had a group hug . When we took the dress up to the counter , they said it was one of a kind . We spent the rest of the day shopping for accessories and then Elena headed to Stefan's , Rebeka and Tatia went to go see Klaus and Caroline went home . On my drive home , I decided to make a stop and I drove for a few hours until I got to the place where our village used to be . It was all still open , but the landmarks had changed . It didn't matter . I knew what I was looking for , so I parked the car and got out , walking through the woods to where mamma used to watch the sunset  . A small stone was there with a worn name carved : PETROVA .

" Hello , mamma . " I said , sitting down .

A tear streamed down my cheek .
" It's been awhile , hasn't it ? " I asked , setting down a flower I picked along the way .

I laughed . I was talking to myself now  . Great .
" I'm engaged . You should be proud mamma . I'm going to marry Elijah  . Elijah Mikaelson . " I said , looking up at the cloudless sky .

" I miss you , mamma . " I said , wiping away a tear .

Nothing. Just the sound of the woodland creatures around .
" I wish you were here ..... " I whispered .

I stayed there for 15 minitues in silence , just thinking .
" Bye mamma . I'm sorry.... " I said and then I walked away , blowing a kiss behind me .

I got in the car and I was still watery-eyed when I got back to the house . I walked through the door and Elijah got up and flashed to my side , pulling me into his arms .
" Where were you ? I was worried . " he asked .
" Just getting a blessing . " I said .
" From whom ? " he asked , confused .
" Mamma . " I whimpered  .

Elijah kept holding me as I cried .

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