2nd Way: Thesaurus

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Thesaurus: thesaurus.com/‎ or use the computer tool.
"Use a thesaurus and make a list of the words you don't know/just learnt about. With each new word, try to construct a sentence so that you can learn to use it properly." (@Myrror)

Personal comment: What's been said about constructing a sentence with each new word is also useful when you're reading the dictionary or a book of any kind. Always build sentences with the words you're learning, it will really help you to consolidate their meanings.
"Use a computer thesaurus. It will not only give you a variety of similar words to choose from to add variety to your prose but you might learn a few new words as you go along. For example: You look up the word 'big', and perhaps the following comes up: large, sizable, substantial, great, huge, immense, enormous, extensive, colossal, massive, mammoth, vast, tremendous, gigantic, giant, monumental, mighty, gargantuan, elephantine, titanic, mountainous." (@robertmoons56)
"Whenever I feel I use a word too much, or if I think I can replace a word with a higher level one I will

1) Open up a new tab and

2) type "---insert bland word---synonyms"

***Thesaurus is your best friend!!" (@MorkieLuver)


"Be careful with thesaurus use, though! They're incredibly useful, especially when you're trying to figure out a word, but you have to keep in mind a thesaurus will not tell you the connotation or usual usage of the word. It's very obvious when someone uses a thesaurus too much.

When overused, it can be the difference between:

"Anne liked owls. She thought they were the best bird"


"Anne cherished the noctornal bird. The female apprehended them to be superlative winged creature."

So, they're a fantastic tool but it's really better to try and read a lot and improve your vocabulary that way, occasionally using a thesaurus, rather than needing one as a crutch." (@Arabella_Taryn)

Personal comment: I think she's right. You have to pay attention and not overuse this tool. It's useful but it can turn into a demon. It has the power to improve your writing or destroy it.
Theraurus: Unlimited possibilities, use with moderation.

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Love xo

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