5th Way: Interviews, movies, songs, TV shows!

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Interviews: If you have an idol, a singer you like, an actor or actress, a writer or a band - which first language is English - look for some interviews. Read their interviews and also watch on youtube if you also want to improve your speaking.

Movies/TV shows: Who doesn't love movies and TV shows? (Ok, some might not love them) If you do love them, what about watching some movies/TV shows in English with or without subtitles? It will help a lot. If you hear a word you don't know, try to associate with the subtitle, it's really helpful!

Songs: If you like a singer or a band which sings in English, look for the lyrics of their songs! If you see a word you don't know, Google it! It's a great way to understand better what your idols sing about and also improve your vocabulary!

That's something I personally like and use a lot. I find it really helpful. I hope you do too!

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