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Here's the proof that social networks aren't made only of useless bull____. Like I said before, you spend a great portion of your day reading things online. Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr... A piece of advice from me: Take a time, select some texts from your friend's wall/feed (just a suggestion, but it can be from somewhere else) and start correcting it, putting the commas where they belong... Then write it in some way you think the text would seem more fluid, interesting and instigating. You will not only improve your vocabulary but also your writing skills.
"I've been improving my own by using Tumblr masterposts for writers. You can find a lot of cute images like this: http://writer-blood.tumblr.com/post/44503865116.
Here's a masterpost full of links: http://klariza-helps.tumblr.com/post/49800252535/heres-a-grand-masterlist-of-every-helpful-link

It's the first one I pulled out of my bookmarks - there are tons more!" (@Therouanne)
"If you go on tumblr and type in "writing tips" there's a whole lot of helpful information that comes up! :3" (@pepsi_panda)
"There are Facebook pages like Word Porn that post interesting words that show up in your news feed. There are vocabulary word games like freerice. I like to keep a list of words that catch my attention, like miasma and serendipity. You can also Google amazing unique words and find lists of fun words you probably have never heard before. You can make it a game by picking one word per day and try to use it as much as you can before the end of the day. Go through your stories and spice bland chapters up with better synonyms. Read books from different time periods and cultures. Just absorb everything you can get your hands on and use repetition to make it stick." (@WrittenOnRainDrops)

Personal comment: I decided to place it here because she mentions facebook pages and Google, but she also gives other great ideas. Including reading. Great advices!
"My advice is to read a lot, I find urban dictionary is wonderful as well as tumblr." (@sabrina_avenue)

Posted it in two chapters just because... You know, she mentions reading and tumblr.
"I used to take these vocab quizzes on Webster to improve my vocabulary." (@Bellatrixx_Lestrange)

I didn't know where else to place it.

I hope you liked it! More tips in the following chapters.

Do you have any advices and tips of your own? Please, share with us! And vote if you liked this chapter!

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