Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Not edited sorry for the errors and sorry if it's short. i hope you'll like it :)

this chapter is dedicated to 1DAreMyWholeLife I hope she reads this! <3

When I finally reached Niall, I called his name. He stopped and took a glance to me. His face was unreadable. There was no emotion or an emotion that indicates happiness. It’s more… the look of sadness in his blue eyes.

“We won.” I informed him.

“I know. I saw it.” Niall replied, still plain.

I started to think what to say next because for sure, he can’t stand my presence.

“Gerry said that we will have a victory party in the dorm tonight.”

“I know.” Why are his responses too short??

“Uhm okay.” I slowly turned around to go back to our dorm mates when he called me.

“Andy.” He said softly. Oh how I love it when he calls my name. Ugh! Stop being a girl! You’re a guy right? My inner conscious reminded me. “You didn’t have to do that. You shouldn’t have joined the marathon. Look what had happened to your feet.”


I stayed dumbfounded. He sounded concern with my case now. “I wanna do it though. For you.” I slipped! “I—I mean for the team as well. I don’t wanna fail dorm 2. And I’m used to running.” I gave him a crooked smile.

“Gerry said you haven’t tried running in a marathon, so you didn’t have to do it.” I noticed that his voice is already rising and I can feel that he’s annoyed.

I blinked once. Then twice. Thrice. “But I want to! I won’t give up for the team. I worked hard to win the marathon to make everyone in our dorm happy. I replaced you because you weren’t there and I know you didn’t run because of your inj—“ I stopped when I realized what I was going to say.

Niall didn’t say a word. He began walking away from me again. I couldn’t argue anymore. I stood still even though my foot hurts.


The victory party for Dorm 2 began, everybody was there, hopefully. The boys are having their great time in partying. Even though alcohol wasn’t allowed, some of our dorm mates still put some into the punch.

“Give it up for the man of the night,” Gerry announced. “Andy Stone!!” Everybody cheered and kept on patting on my shoulder.

“Good job Andy.”

“You did great.”

“A three-peat for our dorm, thanks to you Andy!”

“Hey Andy, nice game mate!”

Those words kept on entering my ear every other minute. I always reply them with thanks, and the words ‘it’s for our dorm’, and my smile. It wasn’t that I’m not happy that we won because of me, it’s just the words I told to Niall a while ago. And I know it hurt him. It’s a sensitive topic for him.

My mind went blank for a minute and Lyndon bought me back to reality.

“Hey Andy!” He chirped. “How are you feeling?”

I beamed my biggest smile and said, “I’m doing great.”

“You don’t look great.” He said. “Does your foot still hurt?”

“Uh a little bit but it suddenly goes away every time.” I told him. I looked around and realized I haven’t seen Niall tonight. Where is he?

“Have you seen Niall?” I asked Lyndon.

“I think I saw him earlier near the drinks area.” He whispered something in my ear, “Be careful drinking those drinks there mate, someone already put some liquor there.” He warned.

The music pounded in my ears and I excused myself from Lyndon. He started dancing towards to some other guys. Bad thing is no girls are allowed.

‘And yet you’re here’ my subconscious told me crossing her arms to her chest.

I started looking for Niall but I still got not trace where he is. I decided to go outside for some fresh air. Thinking I have a perfect place to go to, I went to Sky’s dog house.

The cool wind brushed to my skin causing it to give shivers to my spine. I was just wearing a simple black tee and my short pants. I found Sky fast asleep in his little home and sat next to him.

“Hey buddy.” I told him combing his fury hair back and forth. I sighed and here I am again thinking about Niall.

“You know why I’m doing this right?” I asked Sky like an idiot.

Of course I’m doing it for Niall, to make him go back to high jumping. I didn’t risk my life living and going to a school full of boys for nothing. I’m doing it for him. After all the things that he has done to me, I’m making sure that I will see him jump again.

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