Chapter four

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 I had applied for my job by accident.  It was a long story that involved Cassie, hardly surprising really, and a tray of doughnuts.  All you need to know is that a ceiling fan got broken and I’m now banned from the DVD rental shop across the road from work.  I hadn’t been planning on working yet, but I couldn’t deny that the money was a bonus.

    Grabbing a foam cup from beneath the counter, I set it under one of the metal nozzles protruding from the machine I was standing in front of.  I pulled the handle down and watched with a smile as red slush fell from the machine and into the cup.  I’d worked in ‘Retro shack’ since the start of last summer, but I still wasn’t tired of watching the slushie machine chug and wheeze as it filled another cup with its contents.  I repeated the process three more times before lining the cups up on the blue and pink surface of the counter.

    “That’ll be £4.00,” I said, my gaze directed at the tallest of the four youths standing in front of me.  I waited patiently as they counted out change between them before the boy wearing a pair of oversized sunglasses dropped the money into my hand.  I smiled.  “Thanks, enjoy.”

They all muttered various thanks as they picked up their drinks and headed for a booth in the corner.

    ‘Retro shack’ was legendary in the small town where I lived.  It’s always filled with people of all ages, but it’s age range was usually between fourteen and twenty on a typical Saturday afternoon. 

    Having no-one else to serve for a moment, I let my eyes wander around the rectangular building.  The rock song on the radio was background noise to the chatter that seemed to be coming from every corner of the room.  There was a group of girls giggling over by the window and a couple of lads watching them from a bench by the door.  Cheers could be heard from the pool table and I looked over to see a guy in sweats fist pumping the air, his opponent looking less than happy.  I shook my head just as I felt someone touch my shoulder.  I spun around to see a familiar face.

    “Wearing your ‘Haunted Vegas’ tee again then?”

I looked down to see the blue fabric of my top showing from beneath the bright pink apron I was wearing.  ‘Retro shack’ didn’t have uniforms except the apron, so employees could wear their own clothes.  A big plus to the job, as well as free slushies whenever we wanted.

    “Yeah.  I like it.”

    “Have you even washed it yet?”  Leanne leaned in closer and pretended to sniff my arm pit.  “I think it’s starting to smell.”

I swatted at her with my hand but she took a step back and I missed. 

    “Not going to hit the boss now are we?”

I rolled my eyes.  “You’re only the boss on Saturdays.  You’re supervisor the rest of the week.”

    “Minor detail, sis.”  She waved a hand at me and the bangles on her arm clanged against each other.  “Seriously though, you seem to wear that top non-stop.”

I shrugged.  “So?  You always wear that skull necklace.”

Leanne’s hand moved to her neck where she began fingering the thick silver chain.  “I like it.”

    “Yeah and I like the top.”  I filled a cup half full with slushie and downed the lot.  My brain immediately protested and my teeth ached at the cold sensation.  “I’ll wash it tonight,” I added pointedly, noticing that Leanne was still staring at me.

    “Good.  We can’t have the customers complaining that the staff smell.”  She nodded her head towards the door and I looked over to see another gang of teens approaching the counter.

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