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         I sat on the floor in front of the bed; it was one of those rare times that Kar decided that he didn’t want to camp out so we got a hotel. Of course since Shu, and I were the only teenage boys in the group we got put together. It wasn’t that I mind sharing with Shu; over the years I have watched him grow we had become best friends. To Shu I was just another guy, someone to hunt demons with, talk girls with, just hold on to some form of a normal life. The gods know neither one of us know what it was like to be normal teenagers.

         Shu had left an hour ago to ‘get something’ he told me before he ran out. If Kar came looking for him in that time I was to say that he was in the bathroom. That our dinner wasn’t agreeing with him just in case Kar came more than once. So far there had been no sign of the old man, but then again there had been no sign of Shu either.

         Sitting, and waiting I toyed with the ring around my neck. Touching the ring I could feel a warmth in it, memories of Ban flooded back to me. I could remember what it felt like to have him touching me. I closed my eyes as I thought about how it felt, giving my lips a slight lick I ran my hand down my chest towards my stomach. My fingers inched towards my pants when the door opened. I quickly moved so that Shu wouldn’t know what was going on.

         “Sorry I took so long.” Shu said waving a small baggy up as he walked over, and sat down beside me. I took the bag from him, and saw the herb that was inside. Back when I was human weed was what all the kids liked to smoke, and get high off. Now there was something called witches breath. It was a herb that came from hell itself, like weed only a hundred times stronger. The high lasted even longer and witches breath was the only drug that could get even demons high.

          “Where did you get this?” I asked as Shu took it back, and started to roll up some so that we could smoke it. Once he had it ready he placed it at his lips.

          “Come on magic fingers.” Shu mocked me, and I laughed as I lit it from him from my fingertips. He took a puff coughed as the foul smelling smoke filled the room, passing it over my way I was use to the way smoke burned as I took my hit off it. Leaning his head back on the bed he exhaled another puff of smoke and started to smile like a fat kid with cake. “You know Amy?” Shu asked, and I looked over at him.

         Of course I knew Amy, everyone knew her. She was the newest member of our team. We found her a few weeks ago going after anything that looked like a demon, I talked to her a few times, and she seem to take a liking to me. We were friends; she was a very sweet person, and I liked talking with her. I haven’t gotten why she hates demons out of her yet though. “You like her?” He asked me, and I took my drag.

         “You mean like her, or LIKE her like her.” I asked, and Shu just looked at me as if I was an idiot. I don’t know maybe I was just being slow right now, they always say drugs kill brain cell.

         “Like do you want to do her?”  Shu said. I laughed as he passed me a bag of chips, and he started to eat as well. I normally only ate human food to appear human but right now I had the munchies.

         “No,” I said, and his mouth hung open as if he couldn’t believe what I just said.

          “WHAT,” Shu yelled much louder then he should have. We both laughed when an angry knock came on the wall of our room. “Amy is hot, hotter than hot, the hottest of all hots.” Shu said, and I shrugged my shoulders.

          “I saw better.” I said and Shu shook his head as if he didn’t believe that, as if me seeing someone that looked better then Amy wasn’t possible. “Her breast aren’t even big.” I said, and Shu paused for a moment before we both started to laugh.

         “You don’t even like girls.” He waved my opinion away as if the fact that I liked boys made me no longer count. “I like her, I really like her Zero.” He said and I shoved another handful of chips into my mouth.

         “Long term like her or hit it, and quit it like her?” I asked as he picked up a two liter of soda, and started to drink from the bottle. He gave a loud burp before passing me the bottle so I could take a drink from it as well. Shu was quite as he thought long, and hard about what I had asked him. I gave a laugh to myself. Shu was known around the camp as a ladies man. Every girl that came into our group around his age he slept with, and of course there were the random hook ups along the road. I’ve never seen him think so hard about if he liked a girl or not.

         “I really like her, like mother of my unborn children like her.”

         “You have to tell her then.” I said sobering up so that I could talk to Shu about this, if he loved her we all would need to talk. Kar would be against it, he never wanted anyone to know what I am, what I really am. If Amy was going to be sticking around for more then a year or two she would need to know about me. Know why I do things that others don’t, that normal humans don’t do.

         “Zero,” Shu started, and I shook my head. If Amy was going to be family she needed to be all family. “Amy will still love you.” Shu said, and I nodded I could only hope that she wouldn’t attack me. That was what would happened if I told the others. They would attack me for betraying their trust; they would demand my head on a stake. I wanted what was best for Shu though, I wanted all the happiness in the world for him.

Blood Promise {Bloody Dance Series #2} BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now