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Emma went to get dressed before her and the Winchester brothers were going to leave for the courthouse. Charlie had left when Emma went back to her room so Castiel decided that he would just join his friends. So the four of them ventured to the courthouse so the hunters could adopt the angel they had found in a diner the night before.

The woman working there looked up and stared at the three men and little girl with a leather jacket on. Her expression read that she was bored and wanted to go home, Emma and Castiel could read that, and her grey hair showed her age. The woman rolled her eyes and sighed before looking at the computer screen.

"Names?" She drawled. Dean cleared his throat.

"Dean and Sam Winchester, Emma Park, and Castiel." He stated. The woman, whose name tag read Margret, looked over at them again.

"And what are you here for?" She asked in the same bored tone.

"Well Sam and I are here to take guardianship over Emma." Margret rolled her eyes before typing something on her computer. She reached into a filing cabinet and pulled out a stack of papers.

"The three of you need to sign on the dotted lines." She explained before casting a glance at Castiel. "And what are you here for?"

"Oh, I just came with these guys." Margret raised an eyebrow. "I'm Emma's uncle." She nodded slowly before rolling her eyes.

"Damn gays." She mumbled under her breath before grabbing the papers from Sam's hands. "Congratulations, you four are one big happy family. Next time you want to adopt someone, do it at the adoption center. Next!"

"Oh we didn't-" Sam tried to explain but Margret cut him off.

"Next!" The four walked out of the building and over to the Impala.

"Well, that went well." Dean sarcastically commented. Emma nodded slightly, her eyes fixed on the courthouse.

"She didn't like her job." She started, her voice small so no one else could hear her. "She thought she could've done better in her life but never went after it. No boyfriend, no husband, no kids, not even a cat or dog." Emma looked to Dean. "She's going to retire in a year or two with no one to take care of or no one to take care of her." Dean wrapped an arm around her.

"Margret will be fine, Emma. Now, let's go get pie!" Dean cheered before they climbed into the car.


Emma stared at the object in front of her. It was HUGE (in her opinion) and overflowing a bit with the filling inside. Sam cut a small piece of it and put it on Emma's plate before cutting another piece for himself and putting it on his plate. Dean just grabbed a fork and dug in; Castiel stared off, not eating anything.

Looking down at her plate and grabbing a fork, Emma played around with the object before looking to Dean and Sam. They seemed to be eating and enjoying it, Dean more so than Sam, so she put a small piece on her fork and bit in. She scrunched her nose up a little and set the fork back down, pushing the plate away from her a little.

"You don't like it?" Sam asked, noticing that the plate wasn't as close to her as it was before. Emma shook her head a little, a guilty and shy look painted her face. Sam chuckled. "That's fine not everyone is as obsessed with pie as Dean is." Emma smiled.

"I can see that." She commented. Dean stopped shoving pie into his mouth and glared at the two of them.

"Aw shut it, the both of you." He complained before grabbing Emma's plate. "Is there anything else you want to eat?" Emma glanced at the menu before looking away. "We can get you something else."

"Are you sure?" She whispered. Dean smiled at her.

"Of course I'm sure." Emma grabbed the menu and started looking through it, she stopped when she saw the words ice cream.

"Ice cream." She whispered just loud enough for the three to hear. Dean nodded as Sam flagged the waiter down and ordered the ice cream for her.

"What flavor?" He asked her. Sam looked to her.

"Sherbet, please." She answered. The waiter nodded and turned to get it. "Thank you." She said. Sam smiled and Dean rolled his eyes.

"You don't need to." They told her.

"Okay." The waiter came back with a big bowl of orange sherbet. Emma smiled and dug in. Castiel turned to look at her and smiled.

"You really like ice cream." He stated. Emma set the spoon down, shrinking into the seat.

"My mom and I used to get ice cream almost every Friday as soon as I could eat it." She explained. "And then it started to become a way to reward me, we would get ice cream every time I did the right thing. Maybe it was her way of making sure I was good instead of bad like everyone else thinks I am." Everyone's smile dropped.

"Oh." The three said.

"Or maybe I'm just thinking into it too much." Emma joked though she knew it wasn't true. She grabbed the spoon and started eating again. "I would give anything to see my mom again." Dean and Sam shared a look.

"I bet you would." Sam commented. Emma ate a spoonful of ice cream. "But you can't trust Crowley's intentions." Dean nodded.

"That doesn't mean I can't see her." She mumbled, playing around with her ice cream.

"We don't know what Crowley would do once he has you in Hell." Emma looked up, mirroring Sam's and Castiel's puppy dog eyes. "We can't risk letting the demons get hold of our pretty little angel." Emma looked down.

"I understand. We can't risk it just yet." Sam smiled.

"Right. Remember that, we can't risk it just yet." Emma perked up.

"You mean I might be able to see her again?" Sam and Dean nodded. "When?"

"Once we work out Crowley's plan and you aren't on everybody's wanted list."

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