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Dean and Sam had found another case a week after the one with Emma and Dean so they went after that while Emma stayed in school, Castiel and Gabriel watching over her to make sure she got her work done because she really hated all of the work. The three of them were sitting in the library, the two angels helping the nephilim with her schoolwork because the two of them knew the topic best (Cas and Gabe enrolled her into the local Catholic school without consulting Emma, Dean, and/or Sam. They figured going to a Catholic school would help her get to know her roots but she absolutely dreaded everything and she swore she wouldn't be able to go back if they said Lucifer's name one more time. Cas and Gabe offered to help her with her school work because of it) when they, and the three of them to this day still say they never heard the Impala pull in, heard men yelling at each other in the hallway.

Sam and Dean's voices were recognizable, the three angels had only been listening to them yell at each other for quite some time now, but there was another voice that no one could name. At first Emma thought it was Jasper so she got all excited and put her school work away but as the three voices got closer she knew that it wasn't Jasper. Gone in a flash and back, Emma was now sporting her trench coat; Castiel and Gabriel were seconds away from getting their blades out. The three watched the door as the three men outside walked in.

"I still don't know how this happened!" Dean remarked. Emma narrowed her eyes at the strange man- or really, strange boy- that was with her adoptive father and uncle. He was darker than everyone in the room, with jet black shaggy hair and almost steel-like grey eyes. His clothes were torn but they were black like his hair. And if Emma looked closely in the right spot and he didn't move, she could a devil's trap tattoo along with every other symbol the boys had spray-painted in the trunk of the Impala on the boys back, who looked no older than twenty. If this was who Emma thought it was then there was a perfect reason as to why they never heard the Impala pull up. The Impala was standing in the library right in front of them.

"How many times do I have to explain this, Dean?" The boy said, his voice eerily comforting. "The witches you were hunting, yeah, remember them? Well they zapped me with their magic and now here I am!" The boy spun around for a dramatic affect.

"But that's impossible!" Dean countered.

"You know what else is impossible? How many different position you and your angel boy toy can do in my backseat but yet you still did it!" Emma furrowed her brow and looked to Castiel who had an embarrassed look on his face. Emma made a disgusted face and looked away, anyway but at her adoptive parents. Dean was biting his tongue.

"Seriously Dean?" Sam asked, the same disgusted look on his face. "Ugh, I've had to sit back there."

"We clean up!" Dean was quick to defend. "And it's my car!"

"It's?" The boy repeated harshly. "Hello! I'm standing right here and I'm very much a real boy!"

"Well good for you, Pinocchio, but why am I supposed to believe you?"

"Dean." Castiel called. The older hunter looked over at his husband who was leaning forward to block Emma from the boy's view. "Believe him for what?" Dean's nostrils flared.

"He's claiming to be my Baby!" Emma looked over Castiel's shoulder and at the boy, locking eye contact with him. The boy threw her a smile which didn't calm her down; she wanted to know who he was. "We come back from killing those sons of bitches and here he is, sitting in the same spot I parked Baby! Says the witches spelled him!" Castiel looked to the boy that was attempting to flirt with Emma without making a sound. Dean looked back at him too. "Hey!" He smacked the boy upside the head. "Would you stop trying to flirt with my daughter?!"

"Can't help it." He admitted. "She's quite the cutie." Emma blushed and looked away. The only boy that was her age that had called her cute was Jasper. "And you can't block her from my view Castiel, I know she's there." Castiel sat up straight, letting the boy see Emma. "Hello there Emma. Please tell these fools who I am." Emma stood and walked up to him. He made a purring noise when they were face to face, a purring noise similar too the engine in the Impala. . .

"How is this possible?" She asked softly, reaching up to cup his cheek. He smirked.

"So you believe me?" She nodded. "Good. Because I was starting to believe I had to show you guys this." He pulled down his collar to reveal a tattoo version of the SW and DW that was carved into the dashboard. The room gasped. "Now everyone believes me? Good. I should probably introduce myself then, I'm the Impala but you can call me Baby." Dean looked like someone had kicked him.

"But then why do you look like you're twenty?!"

"Nineteen." Baby corrected. "And because I'm a 1967 Chevy Impala. It would look weird if you went in with a car and came back with someone old enough to be your grandpa." He was snarky, Emma would've never guessed. "Now, I've been wanting to do this since I came in." Baby turned to Emma and before she knew it, his lips were on hers.

She heard Dean yell and Castiel's chair tip over because he stood up so fast but that wasn't what caused her to push Baby away. Emma loved Jasper; she was dating Jasper, not Baby. He had no right to kiss her. Plus he was originally a car!

"Keep your hands off me!" She yelled as she took another step back, drawing her blade. Baby cocked his head as he took in her discomfort.

"Oh Emma, we both know that blade won't work." He cooed. "But fine, if you don't want me kissing me I won't. Just don't tell me it's because of the demon child that saved you a year ago?" Emma looked away, her lips in a thin line as she thought. Baby made a growling sound in the back of his throat. "It is, isn't it?" Emma's grip on her blade tightened. Baby rolled his head with a groan. "Really? Him of all people?" Emma looked up at him, tearing her gaze from her blade.

"You're one to talk." She spat. "You were a car last time I saw you! And you still are!" Baby didn't look pleased. "People ride you!" He raised an eyebrow and smirked. Emm rolled her eyes and groaned. "Not what I meant." Baby rolled his eyes.

"You're just jealous." Emma snorted.

"Of you? Oh please! Why would I be jealous of a car?" Baby leaned in to whisper something in her ear.

"Because Dean loves me more." Emma pulled away as she rolled her eyes.

"At least I'm a person all the time so he gets to spend more time with me." Dean, Sam, Cas, and Gabe watched as the two teens argued with each other.

"I never thought I would have to say this, but I think we should Baby away from Emma. He's gonna end up making a move on her which would send his ass to the hospital." Dean commented. The others nodded.

"But how will we do that?" Gabriel asked. Dean shrugged.

"Don't know yet. But we can start with finding a way to turn Baby back into Baby. And, Cas, remind me when Emma gets her license to get her her own god damn car."

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