Home Sweet Home

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Emma nodded slightly, pulling the trench coat closer to her. Gabriel and Castiel shared a look before Castiel vanished. There wasn't going to be enough room with Jasper and Emma if they all were to drive home and Gabriel didn't want to leave Emma so he needed to drive home with her instead of fly. The five walked out to the Impala and got inside in complete silence. Emma curled up against Gabriel.

"How'd you find me?" Emma whispered. Dean and Sam narrowed their eyes for a second and Gabriel looked down at her with a puzzled look.

"You-" Gabriel started but Jasper cut him off.

"Like I said earlier, I'm part demon." Emma turned around slightly so she could see Jasper. He hung his head. "Lucifer and Crowley came to me and asked for my help. I shot them down immediately but they had already told me where they were going to hold you. Emma, I-I couldn't not do anything." Emma nodded.

"Thanks." Jasper smiled which she returned. Gabe rubbed her back.

When they got home Charlie rushed over to Emma to check her over. Emma tried to brush her off but that didn't stop the redhead from engulfing Emma in a hug which led to a small laugh escaping Emma's mouth. The adults all seemed to share a mental conversation before Charlie pulled away. Dean grabbed Emma's shoulder.

"Why don't you go clean up?" He instructed. "Maybe change into something less burnt?" Emma nodded faintly and headed to her room. Dean twirled to meet Jasper. "You're the demon kid she saved two years ago, right?" Jasper fumbled a little when he went to answer.

"Y-yeah sir- Yes sir. That was, that was me." Dean nodded.

"She seems to like you." With that Dean started talking to the rest of the grownups. Jasper smiled slightly at the comment and waited for Emma to come out of her room.

She walked out with her own trench coat on with a white tank-top and a pair of blue jeans. Emma handed Castiel his trench coat which he put on with a smile her way. Then she sat down where everyone else was sitting but she couldn't seem to meet anyone's eyes.

"Emma-" Sam started but that just broke the dam.

"I'm sorry! I should've fought back and I should've proved that you weren't wasting your time training me but Lucifer moved faster than I could think and he trapped me in holy oil but then he put it out which is why I'm wet because Crowley came up from behind me and started ripping out my feathers and I just couldn't think of a plan to escape! Then I ended up killing Balthazar and I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" She sobbed. Dean, Sam, and Charlie were taken aback; Castiel stared at her trying to process everything that she just said; Jasper held her hand under the table; Gabriel balled his fists and stood up from the table. It seemed like everyone else skipped over the part about her wings.

"What did Crowley do?" He asked through gritted teeth. Emma hung her head. Gabriel walked around her and carefully pulled off her trench coat, revealing her almost featherless wings and the burn marks on her arms from her father's. Everyone gasped.

"That's it, I'm gonna kill that sonvabitch." Dean exclaimed. Emma's head whipped up and she looked at him with pleading eyes.

"No, please! I can't be the cause of your death too." She wailed. Dean softened.

"Oh Emma, you didn't cause your father's death." Emma whimpered, her bottom lip trembling. "Your father died trying to protect you. If he hadn't then you would've been dead." Emma sniffled. Nobody noticed that Gabriel had disappeared. Dean studied her more closely. "What happened to your arms?" Emma looked down and she couldn't keep it in anymore, she broke down crying. That's when the whole room knew what the markings were. "Sam, did you see burn marks on the floor?" Dean whispered. Sam shook his head which is when Gabriel appeared again with some blood on his collar.

"Where did you go?" Sam asked. Gabriel walked over to him with a smile on his face then leaned down and kissed Sam.

"I took care of our demon problem." He stated calmly. Everyone laughed lightly before Gabe turned to Emma and saw the marks. "My brother should've known better than to let you hold him while he died." He commented before smiling softly at his niece. "I know how you can get rid of the burn marks and I'll help you fix your wings."

"I-I don't want to get rid of them." She whispered, everyone raised an eyebrow. "It's weird, I know, but he's still my dad and this is the closest I ever got to him." Sam was the first to break out of his puzzlement and softened, getting up to give the hurting angel a hug.

"It's not weird." He reassured her. "I understand how it feels." Dean smiled softly, knowing what he was talking about. Emma tried to smile. "And hey, we would never think we wasted our time training you, Em. You're still new at all of this and there are days that Dean and I aren't exactly perfect. You did just fine." Dean nodded along.

"Yeah Em, no matter how you did today you're still a Winchester." Emma cocked her head to the side, looking up at Dean, and furrowed her brow.

"But it's-" She stopped herself by smiling. "I like Emma Winchester better." Everyone started smiling. Sam went back to his seat. Jasper leaned over to whisper something in her ear.

"If it means anything to you, I thought you did fine too. I mean, I don't know what I would do if I were in your shoes. The pain must have been terrible." Emma nodded.

"Unbearable." She agreed. "And of course your opinion means something to me, you're my friend." A slight blush crept up on both of them at Emma calling Jasper her friend. He bit his lip and looked down. Castiel was the only one that noticed the two talking and smiled. Dean raised an eyebrow at it.

"Whatcha looking at, Cas?" Dean asked, noticing the smile and trying to direct his gaze to where Castiel would be looking.

"Emma and Jasper." Castiel vaguely answered. "They're talking."

"It's normal for two teens of the opposite sex to talk to one another. Especially if they're friends." Castiel narrowed his eyes.

"No, I don't think they are." Dean furrowed his brow.

"What do you mean by that?" Castiel continued to stare at Emma and Jasper who were now smiling brightly. Dean looked over and nodded, a smile on his own lips forming. "Ah."

"Why are they smiling so brightly?" Dean chuckled as he looked to the angel.

"You know how when I asked you to be my boyfriend you couldn't stop smiling?" Castiel nodded, his own smile spreading across his face. "Well, it's like that only with Em and Jasper." Castiel cocked his head to the side.

"I don't understand." Dean chuckled softly and kissed the angel's lips. "How is it like-"

"They're together." Dean cut off in a whisper. Castiel's mouth formed an o. "Which is good. I think they both need someone that can understand what the other's going through and-" Dean smiled in their direction. "-someone to love them in a way we can't."

"But they're fifteen." Cas argued. Dean nodded.

"Yeah, and by then I was breaking hearts left and right." Cas went to say something but Dean raised a finger. "It's just an expression."

"So you're okay with them dating?" Dean nodded.

"Sure. It's not like they haven't been talking for two years." Castiel puckered his lips.

"Gabriel might not like this."

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