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Once they had gotten home, Emma took the books Crowley gave her into her room. She didn't come out of there when she found space. Instead, she curled up on her bed and read the books that she's been dying to read. Castiel, Dean, and Sam were looking for paranormal activity to go hunt anyway.

Halfway through her fourth book, something fell from the pages. Emma picked it up and realized it was a letter. Confused as to who it was from, she started reading it. The letter was from Crowley, she could figure out that much but why he was writing to her confused her even more.

The letter said:


Meet me at the park a block away from the bunker at 2.


Not knowing what time it was and not having a clock in her room, Emma ventured outside her room to the library where the boys were. Dean and Sam were hunched over the table in chairs looking at newspapers and Sam's laptop. Castiel was just standing there, bent over the table trying to help Dean. She shyly cleared her throat to get their attention.

"What do you need Em?" Dean asked, looking up from the pile of newspapers he was looking through. Emma looked to the floor before looking back up.

"I was wondering what time it was." She mumbled. Dean smiled as Sam checked the time on his laptop.

"1:50, why?" Sam told her. Emma shrugged.

"No reason." She lied.

She hated lying, her mother raised her to not lie but she had to in order to see Crowley. But she was lying to the people that were kind enough to take her in when they met her, they even just signed the papers saying they would be her guardians. Emma didn't want to lie to them.

He's the only one that can get me to see mom again. Emma thought. So I have to lie in order to see him. I have to persuade him to let me see my mom.

"Alright. You enjoying your books?" Sam asked, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Uh, yeah. You guys can put up a fight. I'm gonna go continue them." She darted out of the library and back to her room. Dean and Sam laughed at how entertained she was by the books. What they didn't know was that she was sneaking out of the bunker.

When they had gotten home, Emma had taken off her jacket. She loved letting her wings flap freely every once in awhile and by the looks of it, Sam and Dean didn't care if her wings were free so she would be doing it more often. But she needed to put the jacket back on in order to leave, Crowley might have known what she was but that didn't mean other people did too.

Emma grabbed her jacket and pulled it on before slipping her gym shoes back on. Quietly and carefully, she walked out of her room and towards the entrance. No one heard her so she slowly opened the door, making sure it didn't make a sound, and then walked out. The door closed behind her but she didn't hear footsteps coming to the door.

Sighing in relief, Emma ran to where the park was. She had seen it on the car ride home today and thought it was pretty so she remembered where it was. Crowley was waiting for her on a park bench, he stood up when he saw her enter the park.

"You're five minutes late, I thought you weren't going to show." He stated once she approached him. Emma was panting a little, she wasn't used to running for that long and that fast. "I see the boys didn't catch you."

"I tried- to not- make a sound." She replied, gasping for breath a couple of times. Crowley smiled at her. "What is it- that you- needed?"

"By the way you reacted, I figured you would want to see your mum so I'm here to bring you to her." Emma's eyes lit up before she looked away.

"Dean and Sam don't want me to see her. Not yet anyways." She said. "They don't trust you. They think you're going to hurt me."

"Darling, it doesn't matter what the boys think, it's what you think that matters. Do you trust me?" Emma looked at him and seemed to think about it.

"I. . . I don't know." Crowley held out his arm.

"Why don't we just go meet your mum and then decide?" Emma took a step back, trying to figure out a way out of this. She shouldn't have come but she wanted to see her mom again. But Dean and Sam don't trust him. But that doesn't meant he's going to hurt her. If only there was someone there to help her.

"Wherever you go with her, you go with me Crowley." A low deep voice sounded from behind them. Emma and Crowley turned to find the owner of the voice. Crowley sighed in disappointment as Emma sighed in relief. "Did you think you wouldn't get caught?" Emma smiled sheepishly.

"How did you find me?" She whispered. Castiel smiled a little.

"I heard your plea for someone to help you." Emma furrowed her brows in confusion.

"How?" Castiel tapped the side of his head.

"Angel radio." Emma nodded though she was still confused. "Crowley, what are you doing with Emma?" The King of Hell groaned.

"All I wanted to do was take her to see her mother!" He complained. Castiel didn't look convinced. "The little girl needs a break from all of this crap you three are going to put her through."

"Why are you being so nice to a nephilim? Surely you have some other motive." Castiel stated, trying to find another reason Crowley would be this nice.

"I don't. I simply just want to help Emma. Now are we going to see her mother or not? I'm running a tight schedule here." Castiel and Emma shared a look before grabbing Crowley's arm.

"We're trusting you Crowley, don't break it."

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