First Case

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A week after everything happened everyone was in the library looking for a hunt. Emma was practically falling asleep on Sam's shoulder because it was late in the night and Dean didn't want her out of his sight. Dean and Sam were on the brink of finding something when Emma opened her eyes and whimpered slightly.

"Can I go to bed yet?" She asked making sure it didn't sound like she was whining. Emma didn't have her jacket on so her wings were visible and drooping. "It's almost midnight." She pointed out through a yawn.

"No." Dean stated which caused Sam to look up and glare at him. "Because I found something. C'mon, let's go. You can sleep in the car."

"I have to go?" Again, she asked in a way that didn't seem like she was whining. Emma didn't want to whine to the people that were so willing to take her in and the same people that she'd already pissed off once.

"Hell yeah you do. You're not leaving our sight, remember?" Emma nodded.

"She can stay here." Castiel spoke up. "I'll watch over her." Dean looked over at Cas and slightly glared.

"And we all know how well that worked last time." Castiel didn't counter back.

Dean and Sam started getting there things as Emma grabbed her jacket and put her boots on. Charlie had brought them with her other clothes but Emma hadn't worn them yet. She figured her hunting boots would work better on a hunt.

The three of them got in the car and Dean started driving to no one knew where. Sam just rolled with it since he's used to Dean doing stuff like this but Emma was slightly confused and worried.

"Where are we going?" Emma yawned out.

"A small town in Maine. Some of their gags and pranks have been going a little to literal." Dean told her. Emma nodded before taking a nap in the backseat.

"Similar to-" Sam was cut off by Dean nodding his head.

"Similar to that one." Sam turned in his seat a little to look at the passed out nephilim in the backseat.

"Should we be bringing her on this one? Last time it was the child of a demon that was causing all of it. Who knows what would happen if we brought the child of an angel with us." Dean looked over at Sam.

"Emma'll be fine, Sammy. There's nothing to worry about."

For the rest of the ride the Winchester brothers listened to Dean's music which wasn't blaring because he didn't want to wake Emma. Sam thought back to what Charlie had said a week ago about them already acting like fathers and he guessed he couldn't really deny it. Dean had already had experience with being a father with taking care of Sam when they were younger and taking care of Ben but Sam was new at the whole taking care of another human being thing. Especially if that meant that human being was only half human.

Dean drove up to a hotel when they got to Maine. Emma was still asleep by the time they pulled in. Sam lightly shook her shoulder so she could get up and walk into the hotel. Her eyes fluttered open before everyone got out of the car and walked into the hotel.

"Three beds please." Dean requested when they approached the front desk. The perky receptionist looked up at him from her computer and then looked behind him at Sam and Emma before looking back at the computer.

"I'm sorry but the only rooms we have available all have two beds. But you and your boyfriend should be used to sleeping in the same bed." She informed Dean.

"He's my-"

"Nonetheless there is always the couch if you and your partner are fighting. But you two shouldn't be staying in the same room with your daughter if you're in the middle of a fight." Dean's grip on the desk tightened a little as she continued. "But I can't tell you how to live your life so what will it be?"

"Just hand me the damn keys." Dean ordered. The receptionist swiveled around in her chair and grabbed a set of keys to a room. She handed them to Dean who took them grudgingly. The three of them then walked up to their hotel room. "I'll take the couch."

"Why do any of us need to take the couch?" Emma asked, sitting down on one of the beds as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Dean and Sam looked over at her.

"What do you mean, Em?" Sam asked.

"I mean couches aren't that comfortable, believe me I've slept on a couple, so I don't want to force either of you to sleep on one because of me." She mumbled a little. "I'm not that big and I've learned to curl up into a ball to not take up that much room, I don't need a whole bed." Dean and Sam looked at each other before back to her.

"You want to sleep with one of us?" Dean questioned. Emma yawned as she nodded.

"It saves you two from fighting over who gets the couch." Dean smirked as he ruffled her hair. Emma smiled because of it.

"You got a preference to who shares the bed with you?" Emma shook her head as the boys shared a look. "I'll sleep with you then."

"Mkay." Dean and Sam smiled before Dean walked out to the car to get their stuff. Sam sat at the small table in the room with his laptop. Emma sat down in the other chair so she could see what he was doing. "What am I supposed to do while you guys handle all of this?" Sam looked up from his laptop so he could talk to her.

"Well, since Dean doesn't want you out of his sight I'm assuming that means you're coming with us when we start looking into all of this. But I don't know how well that's gonna work with a kid." Emma tilted her head slightly.

"Why's that?"

"Because we use fake badges and act like the FBI so we can get information about our cases." Emma nodded. "And you look a little young to be working for the FBI."

"Plus I don't have a badge." She added.

"Plus you don't have a badge." Sam repeated before looking back at his laptop. Emma just thought about what she was going to do while they were out pretending to be FBI agents. She could just sit in the car but Dean didn't want her out of his sight. Emma didn't have a badge and she was too young to pretend to be an FBI agent herself so that didn't leave her with much.

"Can I see your badge?" She finally asked. Sam nodded as he pulled his out and slid it over to her. Emma looked it over before looking at it and looking at the name. "Agent Banner?" Sam nodded. "It sounds like Bruce Banner." Sam chuckled.

"That's where I got the name from." Emma's eyes widened a little.

"Really?!" Sam nodded. "That's so cool." Emma kept looking at the badge as Dean walked in with their stuff. "What's your fake name, Dean?" She asked him. Dean laughed and looked over at Sam.

"You told her about what we do?" Sam shrugged.

"She asked." Dean rolled his eyes as he pulled out his badge and gave it to Emma. She checked it over just like she did to Sam's.

"Agent Stark? Like Tony Stark?" Dean nodded. Emma smiled and that's when she thought of it. "Bring your daughter to work day."

"Excuse me?" Dean asked.

"Sam and I were trying to figure out a way for it to not look weird that FBI agents are bringing a kid with them. But if it's bring daughter to work day Emma Stark has every reason to be hanging out with Agent Stark and Banner." Dean and Sam looked shocked at how quick she figured that out.

"Well that would work." They commented. Emma smiled as she handed the badges back.

"That settles it then. No reason for anyone to raise suspicion as to why two grown men are bringing along a little girl with them while they're doing their job." Dean ruffled her hair again.

"Smart girl."

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