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Chapter 13

Suanna's POV:

I had to rub my eyes to make sure that what I was seeing was not the creation of my imagination. Lora was going to have to fight against Mistress Karen! Our principle! She was standing right in the middle of the field in black tracksuit pants and a white T shirt, waiting for Lora.

And the look on Lora's face told me that she was as surprised as everyone else.

"Um... Mistress Karen... what's going on here?" Lora asked, by now Lora was standing in front of her confused, she just laughed.

"Well Lora I'm here to fight you. From what I've herd these vampires aren't any match for you." Karen said smirking.

Lora looked from side to side trying to find someone to help her, she still looked confused, and Arthur was no where in sight.

"Well we aren't just going to stand here, are we?" Karen asked. Lora just shook her head and stepped a few steps back, making enough space for an elephant to fit in between them.

Marcus got a little closer to them, "Okay you now the rules, anything goes except killing, the match is ninety seconds long. Each hit is a mark. Got it?" he asked Lora. I saw here take a deep breath and got in battle mode and so did Karen.

They both started circling each other for about 5 seconds till Karen lunged towards Lora and she definitely didn't see it coming because she was pined to the ground, Karen's hands on her neck, trying to choc her, but Lora fought back by kicking her in the gut and using her telekinesis to lift her and push her to the nearest tree. She hit the tree and landed on the ground on her knees, she got up and hissed and showed her fangs, which from where I was sitting, looked about 2 inches. To my surprise Lora hissed back and showed her fangs to Karen... WAIT! Since when does Lora have fangs!!!!

Lora lunged to Karen and it was like everything was going at speed of light, the only thing I could see were two figures moving looking like a blur, and the only thing I could hear were hisses and cures which I think came from the audience.

After about what seemed a life time Marcus blew his whistle and when he did Lora and Karen stopped, Lora looked like she was about to kick Karen and Karen looked like she was going to block the kick.

Both Lora and Karen were breathing hard, were bleeding and both of them had torn their clothes.

Karen Looked at Lora with her eye's glowing with pride; something about her eyes reminded me of someone.... I looked closely at Karen and than at Lora, no wonder Karen's eyes looked familiar, Lora had the same eyes... WOW WAIT!

I looked closer at Karen again and then at Lora, they both had the same nose... the same height... and the same way of walking... Okay this is weird...

By now Karen was standing in front of Lora stretching out her right hand, indicating a hand shake and Lora smiled and shook her hand.

"Lora I'm really proud of you. Arthur has taught you well." Karen said and with that she looked at everyone, nodded and started walking away to hell knows where.

At that instant everyone started applauding and Lora turned red and bowed to everyone. After that she made her way back to Marcus and two other vampires made their way to the middle of the field and started fighting.

I was trying to concentrate on the fight that was happening in front of me but I couldn't help but think about the similarities that Karen and Lora have... I mean yes they're vampires but not all vampires have the same eyes, the same nose structure, and the same way of walking.... unless they're related...and the weird thing is I haven't seen Arthur all day...

But there's one thing that I know for sure is that Lora is going to have a big surprise, I can just feel it... but the big question is... Is it a good surprise or is it a bad one...

Hey guys sorry that its short :) I'll make the next chapter a little longer!!!

what do you think the big surprise is going to be???

i would like to announce that i have 21 FANS!!!! YAAAAYY!!! i'm sooo happy :) THANKS SOOO MUCH!!! i thought i wasn't even to get fans!!! THANKS AGAIN SO MUCH!!! :)

Hope you all like this chapter!! please comment no matter if good or bad!!! VOTE and fan if you'd like :):)



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