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Hey everyone :)

I bet you all are thinking that this was another chapter! But unfortunately it's not!!! :( Sorry..

But i have good and bad news!

Good news is that I'll most defiantly write a sequel about this story :) I've been having awesome ideas for the sequel and i think you'll all love it... or at least read it hehe

The bad news is that i won't be able to post the sequel until next month... since i'm writing exams and all... but i'll still be posting Chapters of my other stories :) so you can read them if you want to.....

I promise that when the exams end i'll be posting a chapter every single day for about 2 weeks.. since most schools here in SA are having a short break :).... So I'll be able to finish maybe 2 of the stories i'll be busy with and i'll start with a another story LOL... I have a lot of ideas flying around my head...

Hehe okay now i'm just babbling haha ... but just wanted everyone that likes this story to know that there will be a sequel :) Before people from wattpad start breaking into my house threatening to kill me for not posting haha ;)

but anyhow.... if you end up reading this after September .. then you can just go on to the sequel... And if people don't want to read the story before reading the sequel then that won't be a problem because most of the happenings in this story will be explained in the sequel :)

And i also want to thank everyone! that read, Voted and commented on this story :) hehe i'm first story ever :) Thanks so much for supporting me :) Without you guys i won't of been here :)

THANKS!!! Love you all!


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