Under Your Nose

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Arthur paced back and forth by the fire. The other knights watched him. Lancelot was sitting next to Merlin and both were watching the future king intently to see if he figured out what had happened.

"I just don't understand!" Arthur said turning to them, "How did you even bargain, I thought it had to have a death to seal the rift."

Merlin shook his head, "No sire, that's the price but it's not necessary. We argued that all of us were neccisary parts of the future and that none could give up our lives." Mostly true. Merlin had offered to go but eventually they had convinced the gate keeper to just close the rift before Merlin's powers as Emrys came to the surface.

Lancelot nodded, "It wasn't easy. But we managed."

Arthur shook his head, blond hair glinting in the light. "We need to get some sleep. We're heading back to Camelot in the morning. Gwaine, you've got first watch."

Merlin immediately set to work on his blankets and layed down facing away from the others getting concerned looks from many of the knights. He was being so resigned lately.

Lancelot frowned at the young sorcerer. Just how far was he willing to go to protect Arthur? He lay down next to Merlin so they were face to face with less than two feet between them, per usual. "You need to start taking credit for your actions Merlin."

The warlock opened his eyes, "How should I do that?" He mumbled, "It's not like I can explain how I do much of what I do."

"You could tell Arthur."

"And risk getting my head cut off? No thanks." Merlin closed his eyes and snuggled deeper into his blankets. Arthur as usual slept on the other side of the warlock, unaware that the young manservant had again saved his life.


"Shut up Mer - lin." Arthur grumbled as the manservant made another jab about his belt while they rode back to Camelot. The knights found it hilarious that Merlin, the lowest ranking of all of them was the one to harass then young prince.

"Well it's not my fault you've had one too many pieces of pie at the feasts." The knights laughed as Merlin sped up a bit to avoid Arthur smacking him in the head. The Raven haired boy seemed unpreturbed by his future king trying to hit him.

The rode on finally making it back to the citadel where they began to rest up before getting back to work the next day, which found Arthur sleeping in bed before his overly energetic servant threw open the curtains and blinded him.

"Merlin!" Arthur growled, "I thought I told you to stop doing that."

"Sorry sire, must not have been listening."

"Obviously." The prince sat up and grabbed a goblet of the night stand to Chuck at Merlin who scrambled out of the way.

"You've got training with the knights today along with one meeting on the citadel storage and then five citizen complaints."

"Joy. Fetch me my breakfast would you."

"Prat." Merlin disappeared out the door and Arthur got up at went to the window to look out at the court yard. He spied Lancelot and Elyan talking about something with the guards and laughing. Some of the younger knights we're hurrying through to go about their duties in the city. It was a normal day.

The door opened and Merlin came in with breakfast. "Arthur?" He said, "Are you alright?"

"I'm quite fine Merlin. Get my cloths ready for the day."

Merlin rolled his eyes and began digging around in Arthur's dresser while the prince ate. "Merlin?"

"Yes sire?" Merlin was only half paying attention while he set out some cloths for Arthur.

"What is your opinion on magic?"

Merlin stopped and turned to look at the blond, "Why?"

"Because Merlin my father is hardly in any condition to be calling the shots any more now is he?"

"That's true." Merlin said slowly.

"So, if I am to become king I need to make my own ideas. Not just listen to the ones set in people's minds by my father."

"And your asking me?"

"Well Mer - lin. You aren't from Camelot and you couldn't care less about my father's beliefs now could you?"

Merlin frowned, "I disagree with Uther that doesn't mean I can do anything about it now can I?"

"You disagree? Why?" Arthur cocked his head listening to Merlin.

"Well the way I see it. Many people have been killed for doing benign things that did nothing to harm Camelot. They were innocent but they had magic. From what I understand everyone has the potential for magic but whether they choose to practice that talent is entirely up to them. Just the same way anyone can weird a sword. All it takes is practice." Merlin said all of this very carefully not wanting to overstep his boundaries.

Arthur considered this, "like a sword." He muttered, "and just like a sword it can harm or help."

Merlin nodded, "We've met people who used magic for good. And many of the people who use it to attack Camelot feel threatened by the laws that Uther has put in place. I've wondered what the world would be like if they had never been made."

Arthur nodded slowly. "I know Gaius said that was how Camelot used to be."

"Arthur?" Merlin asked tentivly, "What do you think about magic?" Arthur's answer could change his life forever.

"I believe that it maybe far more complex than I thought a few years ago. My father says it corrupts but at the same time. I haven't met anyone who I could say I truly know that has magic so I can't really tell now can I?"

"What if you did?"

"Well then I guess I'd have someone to ask more questions to."

"And if they were afraid they were going to be killed for their magic?"

"Then I guess I would have to keep it a secret till I am king."

"You'd do that?" Merlin asked slowly.

Arthur looked up from his food to where Merlin was leaning again the bed post, "I do not believe that Morgana is evil. I believe that she was scared and alone and that drove her to lash out. If you are right and people are born with magic then I can only imagine what she felt when she realized what she could do."

Merlin nodded, "scared for her life, I'd imagine."

"My father may be wrong about magic and I really do wish that I knew more about it myself."

"Maybe you should look into it." Merlin smiled, "There are still people around with magic."

"And where would I find a magician in Camelot?"

"Who knows? Maybe ones hiding under your nose."

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