King of Legend

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"We're here." Arthur announced and Merlin looked up, "In the middle of nowhere." He commented. Arthur rolled his eyes, "This isn't nowhere."

"Then is pretty close." Merlin grumbled. "So where's this Quinn fellow?" He cocked his head, "There isn't anyone around."

"Well he did say afternoon, we're a bit early." Arthur pointed out as he dismounted his horse and tied the reins to a nearby tree. "In the meantime, can we have lunch?"

Merlin snorted but got off his horse as well and tied it up before starting to get out his cooking. Arthur watched as Merlin worked. "Merlin?"

"What now?" The warlock said in a joking manner. "How many times would I have died if you didn't come with me on my quests?" The blond asked.

"Arthur, you wouldn't last a day without me." Merlin said dryly, "Doesn't stop you from trying but it's the truth." Arthur huffed at the comment, "I pretty sure I can take care of myself Merlin." He grumbled looking away from the warlock who was taking food and small metal bowls out of his bag.

The next thing he knew he found that he was niether touching the ground or able to move other than to crane his neck around. He found Merlin looking over his shoulder at him with a little mischief in his golden eyes and it made him shiver. "Merlin." He said sternly, trying to maintain his composure but the warlock just smirked,  "And tell me, My Lord, how exactly would you get yourself out of this situation?"

Arthur looked down at the ground then Merlin, then up at the sky. Then back to Merlin. "Okay, but in my experience, most sorcerers can't do this."

Merlin rolled his eyes, "However most of the ones who tried to kill you were capable of throwing around like a rag doll."

"That was only Morgana and Morgouse and... Okay I see your point with that. But I was always okay."

Merlin glowered and Arthur felt the magic shift around him slightly becoming tighter and causing him to give a sharp in take of breath, "That was because I was always there you prat." Merlin turned fully around so he could watch Arthur, his eyes still glowing gold. Arthur tried to shift his weight but found that he was pretty much stuck in the cross-legged position he'd been in when the conversation started.

"How you doing up there Arthur?" Merlin asked as he saw Arthur try to move. The king scowled down at the warlock half-heartedly. "Are you going to let me down?"

Merlin look one of the plates he'd made, complete with bread, dried jerky, apples, and salad, and took a bite out of the bread. "Depends." He said cheekily.

Arthur groaned and gave up trying to move, instead going limp. "Merlin."

"Yes Arthur?" Merlin teased, giving a small laugh as he saw the king give up. Arthur gave him a long look before sighing, "Alright, alright. I admit it. I wouldn't last a day. Now will you please let me down?"

Merlin smiled and suddenly Arthur could move and he found himself being placed gently on his feet. "Was that so hard?" Merlin asked as he handed the king the other plate.

Arthur swatted Merlin's head as he sat down next to his friend. "Dollophead."

"Hey! That's my word!" Merlin protested and elbowed the blond. Arthur just rolled his eyes and started eating, "You need to bring this food all the time." He said after swallowing, "It's much better that what we normally have on trips."

"Has anyone ever told you you're spoiled?" Merlin questioned as he watched the king eat. Arthur looked up from his food, "I think I remember a certain warlock telling me that on occasion."

Merlin sighed, "Honestly Arthur, has it ever occurred to you to learn how to make food for yourself?" The king frowned, "Yes actually. I just never had the chance." He shrugged, "My father kept me busy when he was king and now I manage to keep myself busy with one thing or another."

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