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Lyra and her sister arrived a few hours before noon. When they'd been guided to the meeting room the little girl had been looking around in wonder. Lyra's armored hand guided her gently but firmly as she stepped inside the room.

"Ms. Heldin." Arthur said, standing. Everyone else followed suit. Merlin stood from where he'd been sitting next to Arthur and gestured to the now empty seat and the one beside it. "Please sit."

She nodded to both Arthur and Merlin before guiding her sister into the seat next to Arthur and herself into the one next to Gwaine. "I apologize for taking so long. Riding with one horse and two riders makes for slow time." She gestured to her sister, "This is my sister Sachi." The girl smiled and gave a nod to the king. "She's mute my Lord so please don't expect her to say much."

Merlin tapped.his head, "She speaks with her mind though."

"Yes that is something." Lyra nodded.

"We were discussing what is to become of your father." Arthur said slowly.

Lyra nodded and she placed clasped hands on the massive table they were seated at. "And?"

"Most of the advisors believe he should be executed." Arthur said.

"My Lord he was going to attack Camelot with an army of magicians." One of the advisors, an old man who had been in charge of seeing to stocks since Uther's early rein.

Arthur frowned at the man, "Whether or not it was an army of magicians or not does not matter. The fact that he was going to attack is the larger issue here. We are aware of his intentions, and they constitute high treason."

"Then it should be treated as such." Lyra said. Her voice wavered slightly and for a moment Merlin couldn't help think of the way that Arthur sometimes paused when speaking about some of his father's actions that he didn't approve of. "Do I want to see him executed? No. I don't think any child really would see their parent dead for this. However, I'm fully aware of what he's done. What he intended to do. I'm worried about him being in Camelot in the first place, seeing as this is one of the strongest centers of magic." Her eyes flicked toward her little sister, "Sachi is of the same mind set. Though to be honest she's never really liked father. I believe he's probably part of the reason she can't or won't speak. But she would never tell me."

Merlin's eyes flicked to the little girl but she remained impassive to her sisters statement. Gwaine tensed and looked to Arthur and then back at Sachi. Lyra looked at him and gave a sad smile, "I've tried asking. She's very good at giving the silent treatment though."

Sachi snorted and elbowed her sister before signing something. Lyra nodded, "Right of course. She wants to see father. Just for a few minutes she says."

"And if we determine he is to be executed for treason?" Arthur asked.

"Then I will not be in your way. Though for my sake, no fire please."

Arthur scowled, "Of course not. That's cruel." It had been one of the few things that he'd discussed with Merlin, when he had just found out about his magic. Merlin had a small epiphany that Arthur knew, and wasn't going to have him executed, and had gone into a state of near shock in Arthur's room. He'd babbled for almost 20 minutes before Arthur had managed to calm him down. Then they'd had a long discussion before leaving for Ealdor, mainly for Merlin to finally get all the fear he'd felt for the past few years off his chest. But Merlin had mentioned how much he hated the idea of anyone, even someone he disliked being burnt at the stake. Arthur had shared a similar opinion.

"We'll schedule his execution." Arthur said slowly, "But it will not be a slaughter. But for now, I'll take you down to see him."

They dismissed the council, knights and advisors heading in different directions. Only Lance, Gwaine, and Percy remained with Merlin, Arthur and the two new comers. Gwaine looked to Arthur, "Do you mind if we keep you company?" He looked to Lyra as well.

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