My King

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When they went back to camp all the knights looked between the two of them. Arthur had a quiet fury about him, though from the way he had one arm around Merlin it didn't seem to be directed at his manservant.

Merlin on the otherhand seemed to sad but content at the same time, leaning into Arthur. When they sat down it was clear that Arthur was in no way letting Merlin go anywhere.

Merlin put his shirt on and looked around the camp fire before taking a deep breath. "I'll give you the condensed version. Over the years I've had my fair share of run ins with bandits and such as well as magical threats that left me with their marks. The lash marks are from when I got captured by Cenred and a few are from before Camelot. And the large one in the center of my back in from the Serket. The others are from when I made knights or other higher class men angry. And before any of you get angry about never saying anything, I'd like to say that it isn't your problem."

Arthur made a low growl in his throat which made Merlin groan, "Either way, I've promised Arthur that I'd tell him if I actually get hurt outside of the bandits and theives and bar fights."

Gwaine looked like he wanted to break something, "You'd better tell me if someone-" Merlin held up a hand and Gwaine stopped talking, they had figured out the gesture a while ago. Shut up or I will make you.

Merlin nodded, "I'll tell you if someone that shouldn't be hurting me does hurt me. Other than that leave it. I'm capable of taking care of myself."

They all nodded and went to set up tents. Merlin set up the tent that he and Arthur shared in less than a minute and settled their stuff inside.

He layed down on his bed roll and waited for Arthur, stripping out of his shirt and putting it aside to alleviate some of the heat. When the king did appear he scooted over to make room for the man before turning on his side so his back was to the king.

Arthur got comfortable and eventually reached out and grasped Merlin's shoulder. "Merlin?"

Thee warlock rolled over so he was facing the king. "Why'd you put yourself through this?"

Merlin smiled slightly, "It's my destiny. You're my king. Always have been."

Arthur's anger seemed to disappear. He couldn't be mad at Merlin. He was the most selfless person he'd ever met. "Leon's right, I don't deserve you."

Merlin chuckled and propped himself up on his elbow. "But you do in my eyes, and that's what matters huh?"


"Brother!" Morgana was dressed in a green dress when she met them at her front steps. "Hello Morgana!" Arthur said, dismounting his horse.

The knights and Merlin all did the same and a few of the young magicians that served Morgana took the horses to the stables. Merlin stood behind Arthur and smiled to Morgana in greetings. She greeted the knights before leading them to the main hall where they found a table with food set out.

"Oh!" She turned to Merlin and Arthur, "You wouldn't believe who showed up on my doorstep the other day."

A tall man stepped into the room. He had dark hair and bright blue eyes and looked familiar to Arthur. Merlin recognized him immediately. "Mordred!"

"Hello Emrys, Your Majesty." Mordred smiled, "It's been a long time."

Arthur stared at him, "That it has. I haven't seen you since you were a child."

Mordred gave a small bow, "I had to grow up eventually. Lady Morgana has been as kind as ever and let me stay with her."

Merlin smiled and said something telepathically, causing Mordred to laugh. "I guess so."

Morgan gestured to the table, "please sit. I'm sure you are all hungry and we all have a lot of catching up to do."

Merlin sat on Arthur's right and Mordred sat next to him while Morgana sat on Arthur's left. The knights sat down and soon they were all talking about their pasts. Some had never met Morgana and Leon was the only one who'd even heard of the boy.

They each told Morgana, upon her request, about how they came to be knights. She of course knew Lancelot and Leon from her time back in Camelot. And Elyan she had known as well. But many of the others were a mystery.

Mordred told the knights of how he'd met Merlin, Arthur and Morgana and Lancelot told of he and Merlin's many secret escapades that involved magic. Before long it was night fall and Morgana stood. "I have to apologize but many of the rooms here are already in use so I believe you will have to double up if you don't mind. All the knights nodded in agreement and started choosing roommates.

Morgana turned to her brother, "I can show you and Merlin to your room if you'd like."

Arthur smiled and accepted. They bid everyone a good night before following Morgana. When they were settled in the room she bid them goodnight. "I'm sorry if it's a bit cold but once the fires going it should be fine." She called as she closed the door.

Merlin and Arthur both got ready for bed, Merlin stoked the fire but found it slow going and he was cold. His eyes flared gold and the fire grew. Arthur took the four-poster bed while Merlin made his way over to the smaller bed on the other side of the room. He shivered, "Too hot yesterday. Freezing today. What's the world come to!"

He slipped into the creaky bed and hissed, "Damn even the bed's cold."

"Shut up and come over here will you?" Arthur grumbled from his bed. Merlin blinked, "what?"

"If it's that bad come over here. There's plenty of room and it's closer to the fire."

Merlin blinked in surprise and got up slowly before crossing the room to gingerly slip into the large bed with Arthur. It was much nicer than the small materess and the blankets we're soft and comfortable. "Thank you." He said as he got comfortable.

The king grunted. "Your welcome. Now go to sleep." Merlin rolled his eyes.


How Merlin managed to wake himself up in the middle of the night was beyond him. How he and Arthur had both managed to gravitate to the center of the bed and get themselves tangled together was also beyond him.

He took a moment to adjust to Arthur's weight on top of him before realizing that it was cold. The fire had gone out. He glanced to the fire place and used a hand to flick more firewood into it before whispering the one word spell to make it catch fire.

Unfortunately that one word woke Arthur. Or maybe it was the light of the fire, the warlock had noticed that the king reacted more to light than sound. Arthur raised his head and blinked down at Merlin blearily. "Merlin?"

"Yeah?" Merlin said, waiting for the king to realize what had happened. But Arthur simply rested his head in Merlin's shoulders and went back to sleep, their legs still tangled together as well as the one arm that Arthur had pinned between him and his torso.

Merlin frowned, Gaius was right. He got himself into many strange situations. But he'd never thought he'd find himself with the King on top of him, in bed.

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