Chapter 1

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~Jasper's p.o.v.~

     I awoke shivering cold. The window in the room I have been locked away in has been shattered for a while. But I am to small to escape. Pretty sad for a 17 year old. I guess that's what you get for being a Neko. Wow I'm literally having a conversation with myself.

      "Get up you little shit" the store clerk commanded.

    Quickly I rose. Shyly I backed up to a corner with my tail covering my naked body. We were not allowed to where clothes here.

      "We gotta get you sold today" he comes over and grabs me.

   I hiss and try to bite him. He screams but wont hit me since the buyers like their pets to be clear skinned. Next he dragged me by a dirty old collar and plopped me in a tub full of water. I immediately tried to jump out but he pinned me down in the tub and scrubbed my body harshly with an old sponge.

   A towel was then wrapped around me and he carefully dried me. Huh how odd I thought. Then he brushed out my matted black fur. I hissed when he tugged at a knot on my towel. My ears were flat against my head since I was irritated but mostly shy. After that I was put into a cage and given my normal piece of bread for the day.

  Soon after I was in the cage looking at other pets for sale I realized I was the only Neko. How does that happen! I started freaking out and hid myself in my big fluffy black tale. Curled in the back of my cage I felt safer some how even though I was naked. Oddly I don't miss my family. They sold me so they could stay alive with my sister. Not me. My thoughts were interrupted as we were all put into a big moving truck. I'm guessing we were on our way to an auction, I have never been sold before. I haven't been trained either.

   The ride was long. I think I fell asleep since I was suddenly awoken with my cage hitting the ground.

      "Guys! Be careful with that one god damn it!"

    My face hit the cage and tears immediately filled my eyes. I curled up with my tail over me as tears went rolling down my cheeks. The two scary men carried my cage into a room and set me on a table. Next they stuck a stupid number on my cage. Huh number 233. I wonder how many other pets were gonna be sold. Just hope I don't get someone cruel.

    I listened as the annoying chubby announcer called many pets onto the stage hearing them be auctioned off. Most of the beaten and non virgin ones were sold first. Roughly for only about 100,000-200,000. That's a pretty sad price to be sold for after you've already been beaten many times.

    Finally the numbers were coming to a stop and I still haven't been called. Huh I thought. Why haven't I been called? Am I not being sold? My thoughts were interrupted as someone yanked me out of my cage. I hissed and growled.

      "Hey hey, calm down little pussy I'm just taking you to the stage" said the bulky man that was holding me

    He dragged me towards the stage and set me in the middle of it as the announcer announced everything about me.

     "This here is a rare little Neko, virgin, never been owned, goes to the highest bidder".

    The numbers whizzed by as it got higher and higher.




     My brain instantly went blank as I heard a deep voice say that. I didn't think I was worth that much. Seriously I have no experience or anything.

      "Sold to master Harland"


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