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‹ K O L B E

Sparks were going off like crazy making my brain fuzzy. I felt my cheeks heat but I couldn't help staring directly into Beau' s rich brown orbs.

"Easy, don't hurt yourself more, " he admonished softly. I gulped, nodding slowly.

I noticed that Beau was rather tall, taller than me by a good foot in height difference. Where he was big and muscular, I was slim and toned, about half his size despite being a werewolf with superhuman strength. It was kind of funny if you thought about it. Although I was smaller, I could probably overpower this large male without much effort. Despite this fact, I was more than willing to submit to him. In fact, I seemed to almost crave it. I would love to be dominated by him.

He pushed a brown lock from my face tenderly. His gentleness was unexpected and caused a flush of heat to travel up my neck and to my ears. He stared at me intensely for a minute before finally blinking, seeming to snap out of a trance.

Once he was sure that I was steady on my feet he let me go, making sure to distance himself once more. I tried not to be disappointed by this, it was a lot for a human to take in after all. He stayed close enough to help hold me upright with one arm. Still, I felt my chest tighten but chose to ignore it.

"Scared?" I asked as the thought occurred to me. That was the last thing I wanted, my mate scared of me. Beau expression morphed into one of confusion. "Scared?" He repeated not quite getting what I was asking.

"Of me?" I clarified it came out more like a whisper but Beau managed to hear it. His expression relaxed as his gaze softened.

"No, you remind me too much of a lost puppy for me to be actually scared of you." He said with a playful lilt in his voice. "Besides, I am almost one hundred percent sure that this is a dream, and that you are a figment of my imagination. "

I growled softly, why does he keep saying it's a dream after I've already told him twice that it wasn't. I couldn't help the glare that I shot at him.

"Not a dream. " I grumbled irritably before pulling away from his supportive grip on my arm. His face fell for a moment but he masked it quickly by raising an inquisitive eyebrow. The hand used to steady me landed on his waist drawing my attention to his defined v-line. I quickly pulled my eyes away, not wanting to be caught staring. His other hand rubbed the side of his neck.

"Listen, Kolbe-"I shivered at the sound of my name coming from his lips.

"Beau," I said back watching as his gaze heated up. He seemed to shake himself mentally before continuing.

"Do you have someone I can call to let them know where you are?" He asked. I shook my head in the negative. He clicked his tongue. "Of course not." He muttered. "Well, how about an address that I can drop you off at in the morning." Again I shook my head.

"No house, no family." I said "forest home."

"Wait, so you're telling me you've been living in the woods all by yourself?" He asked incredulously.

I nodded. Was it really that hard to imagine? I suppose it was for a human.

"How long?" He asked suddenly serious.

I had to think, it's been so long since I was last with my mother, before him. I mentally shook myself before I could get lost in those thoughts. I was almost certain at least eleven years had passed since the incident...

"Eleven years."

"Eleven years," he said as if he simply couldn't wrap his head around the concept of it.

"Dream or not, I'm going to help you, let's get you cleaned up," he said decidedly. "We'll figure the rest out later." I blushed. I probably smelled horrible, well at least he wasn't being mean about it.

Beau led me down the hall before turning into a small room that looked a lot like what I remembered a bathroom to be. He helped me sit down on the closed lid of the toilet before straightening up and placing his hands on his hips.

"I'll be right back. Don't move." He said sternly. I nodded and watched as he exited the bathroom. I waited patiently and before long he was back with a big piece of cloth and a small one. I stared at them trying desperately to remember the names. They looked so familiar. Giving up, I decided to just ask. I pointed to them and Beau looked at me confused.

"Name?" I asked.

"Towel," he held up the large cloth. "Rag." He said waving the other.

I nodded, remembering now. Setting the towel on the sink, Beau walked over to the shower and cut it on, taking his time checking the water and fiddling with the nozzles. Once he was satisfied he helped me get under the warm spray and handed me the rag. I looked at him then at the tiny cloth. What was I supposed to do with it again?

Beau sighed and rolled his eyes, picking up a bottle a squeezing some opaque substance onto the rag.

"Use it to wipe all over," he instructed as he handed it back to me. I took the cloth and began to do as he instructed.

"Okay, um," he began "I left a pair of boxers and one of my shirts on the sinks." He said gesturing towards them. Our eyes locked for a second before he looked away quickly.

"Call for me when you're done and I'll show you where you'll be sleeping."

"With you?" I asked hopefully.

"Well, uh" he cleared his throat before opening his mouth and taking a look my hope-filled gaze. With a defeated sigh he ran a hand down his face, something he seemed to have a habit of doing. "Sure, why not?" He breathed out before making his way to leave.

"Beau," I called and he looked over his shoulder at me. "Thank you." I husked out referring to my incident with the bear trap. He nodded.

"No problem, see you in a minute." He said before leaving and closing the door behind him.


Hello, loves I just my wanted to wish you happy holidays 🎄🎉

I'm curious as to what you think of the story so far. Do you guys think I should continue? I'm curious to see where this story goes.


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