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Time passes by fast when looking for excuses that adequately explain having an adorable wolfman in your house. Rowan and Co. would be showing up at any moment, knowing my sister she'd just enter, forgetting the part where you knock first. I groaned scrubbing a hand down my face and rubbing my beard. Kolbe sat curled up on the couch watching me, wearing nothing but my shirt and boxers and a pair of my socks. He looked too desirable for his own good.

"Beau, is it a bad thing that your family is coming over?" he asked, tilting his head to the side cutely. I sighed. I loved having my family over, my mother and sister were all I had left. Although she was a pain in the ass, I loved my baby sister and looked forward to the time we spent together when she wasn't away at school.

"No," I responded, walking over to the couch and sitting down beside him. "I enjoy their company."

"Then why are you worrying?" he asked as if the whole situation was that simple. As if him being here wouldn't cause unnecessary questions. Most of which I couldn't answer if I tried. Unable to help myself, I brushed a lock of hair from his face. His warm brown orbs looked like they were peering into my soul, setting my whole existence on fire.

"I think it mostly has to do with the fact that I don't want to share you just yet," I said without thinking, the words just spilling from my lips of their own volition. Yet, I knew it was true the moment the words escaped mouth. I don't want to share him. Not even with my family. 

He was mine. At least I wanted him to be. 

Kolbe turned an endearing shade of red as he leaned his head into my hand that I had yet to move. I cupped his cheek, rubbing my thumb over the rosy flesh gently. I always seem to find myself touching some part of his body, it was like no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get enough of the feeling his silky smooth skin under my fingers.

"I'm all yours," he whispered so low I almost didn't hear him. Before I could delve into what he meant by that, there was a scuffling noise at the door. Probably my sister using the key under the mat. Kolbe retracted himself from my hand, standing up and stripping the clothes off his body, leaving me truly stuck as all I could do was watch him. Tossing the discarded clothes on the couch, he looked me in the eye and I refrained from looking any lower. It took everything in me to not run to the door and give Rowan some bullshit ass excuse before slamming and dead-bolting it in her face before taking him to my bed.

"You don't have to share me just yet," he said softly before shifting just as I heard my sister making her way through the foyer headed straight towards us. Quickly, I shoved the clothes into a drawer in the coffee table. Rowan walked into the room glancing around until her eyes landed on me. How she didn't notice the giant wolf in the middle of my living room, I'll never know. Getting up, I walked over to my sister, a smile spreading across my face. This may not be the best time for a reunion, but I was still happy to see her. 

Rowan smiled back as I wrapped my arms around her. 

"Hey, Ro." I tightened my grip, lifting her off of her feet before putting her back down once she started hitting me. She used to hate when I did that, mostly because she was uncomfortable with her weight, but now you could tell she felt comfortable in her own skin and I was proud of her for it. I didn't care how she looked. She could look like a doorknob and I would still love her.

She took a step back, glaring at me despite the amusement swirling in her brown eyes that were so similar to mine. 

"Beau Bryant Carter, you better be on your best behavior, or I'm sicking Angelene Carter on your ass, do you understand me?" She raised a perfectly arched eyebrow as her hands settled on her supple hips. 

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