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‹ K O L B E

I was walking around only in Beau's shirt and boxers. Anything more and I'd be burning up worse than I already am. I sat on the bed next to Beau, holding his hand. He was burning up too. The cover was the only thing blocking his nakedness from his mother's calculating gaze. She pressed the cool rag against his forehead again, eyeing the marks I left on his neck with mild concern.

Shame filled my cheeks and I was unable to look her in the eye. She just sighed at my behavior shaking her head.

"Don't worry Kolbe, I'm not upset with you, honey, " Angelene cooed reassuringly. I bit my lip as tears pricked my eyes. I was a horrible mate. I'd hurt Beau. The man who had become my everything. Angelene noticed my distraught expression and she smiled at me comfortingly. "Calm down, it's okay. Everything is fine, " she soothed, "Your heat is just amplifying your emotions. You have absolutely nothing to feel bad about. It is completely natural to mark your mate, and since Beau is human, his reaction is normal too." She said, pressing the rag against his forehead again.

"It is?" I asked, peaking at her timidly. Angelene nodded with a bright smile. Knowing she wasn't mad at what I'd done to her son was comforting. It made me feel less bad. I would never intentionally hurt Beau. Never. He's my mate, all I'll ever want is for him to be happy.

"Didn't Aliyaa teach you about the bite?" She asked carefully. I nodded. "Can you tell me what you remember?" She encouraged. It was so long ago when my mother and I had this conversation, but I could remember the gist of it. As a young untrained pup, she would always press the importance of not biting the other kids. It was dangerous.

"She told me not to bite humans. It's not safe, I would h-hurt them, " I surmised. Angelene leaned back in the chair she'd pulled up next to the bed. Her gaze was gentle and patient.

"No, not hurt them. Calm down, honey, don't let your emotions block your memory, " She encouraged. I nibbled on my lip, trying to remember why my mother had said it was so bad to bite others, besides the fact that it was a rude and violent thing to do. There was more to it than that. The way she insisted on reminding me everyday. It wasn't just bad manners, if I were to bite someone it would-

"C-Change them?" I said although it came out as a question. Angelene nodded as her smile widened.

"He's fine, just changing. He was bitten by someone with the genes of an Alpha after all, " She turned to look at her son again. The rest of my memory clicked into place after that. My mom was an Alpha. I had forgotten and I don't know how to feel about that. "Don't worry he'll be more than okay when he wakes up. When that happens he'll be more wolf than man. He won't tolerate anyone other than you Kolbe." I took my eyes away from Angelene, gazing down at Beau's grimacing face. Though her words were comforting, I still felt like crap for not being able to control myself.

"So he will be okay, right?" I asked worriedly. Angelene smiled softly and nodded. I don't know if she secretly unsure and just trying to keep me calm or what but it was working. Some of my guilt lessened. I brought Beau's hand to my lips, kissing his knuckles. Mama's eyes filled with warmth and pride, a look only a mother could give and she wasn't directing it towards her son, she was giving it to me. My cheeks flushed as I gripped that same hand against my chest.

"He just needs rest, he'll wake up when he's ready, " Mama murmured before standing. "How about I make some breakfast for us Kolbe?" My stomach growled at the mention of food. I looked over at the bedside clock. It was six am. Beau and I had been going at it for...hours. I turned scarlet. I had called Mama out her sleep to come to help me. I was beyond grateful that she came. I was having a panic attack but she managed to calm me down enough to get a gist of the situation.

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