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The woman named Devra hasn't stopped staring at me and Beau. And my mate hasn't let me off his lap since I started bawling my eyes out. I didn't mind, his embrace was comforting. If I was being honest, I really didn't want to move. Despite being nothing but chocolate-covered muscle my mate was actually quite comfy.

"We're sorry we dumped all of this on the two of you, but you had the right to know," Angelene said apologetically. The table had been cleared of the remnants of the food we ate. Now it was just the four of us talking. I looked at Beau's Mom and smiled softly. In my mind, there was nothing to be sorry for. I was just glad to have learned the truth about that night.

"It's okay, Mama, " I assured her. She just smiled at me before glancing at her son who had gone quiet. Beau simply nodded as if in agreement but we could all tell he was a little upset. I squeezed his hand and he squeezed back, kissing my forehead.

"Is there anything else you guys want to tell us?" Beau asked his tone a little clipped but still respectful. Angelene sighed and Devra finally tore her gaze from us.

"There is just one thing we need to go over with Kolbe. We have our suspicions but..." Devra trailed off, her gaze flicking up to meet mine. It felt as though she was trying to piece together a puzzle she'd almost completed but the remaining pieces just wouldn't fit together, no matter how she arranged them.

"W-What is it?" I asked. I just hope whatever they had to tell me now doesn't break the fragile hold I had over my emotions. I had just got them in check and I didn't exactly feel like putting myself back together again. Beau was the glue keeping me together and I really didn't want to fall apart in his arms again.

"Have the two of you...you know?"  My eyes widened as my whole body turned red. I could't believe she'd asked that question. Whether or not we had wasn't the problem. It was the fact that she brought it up in front of Mama. So embarrassing. I buried my face in my hands and Beau clutched me tighter against him.

" Nope, not having this conversation, " Beau hopped up, his patience having run out, with me in his arms he stood up and briskly walked to the front door without looking back at either woman.

"Beau!" Devra called, but she was ignored. His jaw was clenched in a way that meant he wasn't in the mood for talking anymore. I could hear the footfalls of Devra and Angelene as they tried to keep up with Beau's long strides all the way to the car. "Beau! You don't understand! It's important!" Once Beau had me buckled to satisfaction in the passenger seat he whirled around to glare at the witch who was huffing slightly from having to almost run to keep up with the hulking male.

"I almost want to ask why it's so important whether or not you're aware of the things going on in our sex life but at this point, I have a feeling that I'm better off not knowing," Beau grumbled before walking to the driver's side.

"Fine." Devra conceded "Kolbe just answer this for me, " she looked at me imploringly. I nodded nibbling my lip. "Have you had your first heat?" My face turned into a tomato. This was not what I was expecting her to ask me. Not by a long shot. I was hyperaware of the fact that Beau was listening in on my answer even though he probably wouldn't understand it anyway. 

"N-No, not yet. Though, I am sort of surprised I haven't by now," I admitted. Usually when mates meet they go into heat within three days of knowing each other. I thought that rule didn't apply to Beau and I since he was human. Maybe I was wrong?

"His heat?" Beau questioned and my cheeks darkened again. "What is that?"

"A period of time where he will crave... your attention," Devra coughed and Angelene rolled her eyes.

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