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‹ K O L B E

I strained to reach the cookies at the top of the pantry, standing on my tippy toes as I stretched my arm up as far as I could. To no avail, I was too short to reach the sugary morsels. If Beau was here I would have asked him to get it for me, but for the past two weeks, he has spent his days at work. So we've fallen into a routine. Every morning we wake up and brush our teeth before he hops into the shower. I usually wait in the kitchen for him to finish getting ready and fix myself some cereal. It was the only thing could make for myself that Beau was certain would not lead to physical injury or me burning the house down. He even added the microwave to the list of considered risks when I unknowingly placed some metal in the machine. Apparently, you can not heat up canned goods in the microwave.

The more you know.

Anyway, he would come out of the room we now shared and bid me farewell while I enjoyed my cereal before leaving. I would spend most of the day watching TV. My favorite show to watch was Supernatural, although Beau thought it was too violent for me. When I wasn't watching Supernatural I was on Youtube looking at random videos. Puppy videos are my favorite though. Beau would come home for lunch sometimes but most of the time I was left to my own devices until my mate returned home in the evening. According to the clock on what he reminded me was the stove that was usually around 6:30.

With a sigh, I stopped trying to reach the cookies, pursing my lips I thought of a way to get to the treats without the help of my giant mate. A moment later I stepped back into the pantry with a chair from the island. I climbed up as carefully as I could and grabbed the elusive cookies with a triumphant smile. They were the white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies that Beau had brought home the other day. I loved the little delicacies so much!

With my prize tucked safely under one arm, I gingerly stepped off the chair. Once the chair was back in place and the pantry door closed, I went back into the living room. I cuddled back up into my blanket and resumed flipping through channels. I brought a cookie to my lips and took a bite, enjoying the subtle taste of vanilla.

After a while I settled on Animal Planet, Pitbulls and Paroles were on. I was about fifteen minutes into the show before I jumped up from the couch and ran over to the home phone that was on the other side of the living room when it began to ring. I put the phone to my ear as Beau told me to before giving an uncertain hello into the receiver.

"Hey, baby. How are you doing?" I blushed as the sound of my mate's deep baritone sent a tingle through me. This was one of my favorite parts of the day. Beau would call to check on me and we'd sometimes spend what felt like hours on the phone before he inevitably was forced to return to work.

"Beau!" I squealed happily, causing him to release a deep rumbling chuckle. "I'm okay, but I miss you," I admitted.

"Well, it's a good thing the clinic close early on Wednesdays isn't." He said with a discernable smile in his voice. "I'll be home in about 45 minutes, are you hungry?" I was so happy about the fact that he was coming home a whole two hours early that I didn't catch the question he had asked me. "I can pick up some pizza on the way home." he offered. I squealed happily at the mention of pizza. "I'll take that as a yes," Beau chuckled. "I'll be home soon, see you later, baby."

"O-Okay, " I smiled into the phone before the line went dead. I put the phone back before practically floating back to the couch. I was so excited that Beau was coming home early and with pizza! I love pizza!

I was beginning to feel a little spoiled, Beau was always taking care of me and I desperately wished I could return the favor. I sat down, nibbling on my lip lightly lost in thought. If only I could give him something... like a surprise. A surprise! I had completely forgotten about Rowan's gift from the mall. I hopped up, my excitement returning tenfold. No, I didn't buy it myself but I would take what I could get. I rushed into the room we shared and darted into the huge closet trying to remember where I hid the bag.

A few moments later I emerged victoriously. Placing the plain black bag on the bed I climbed in after it, crossing my legs as my teeth gently dug into my abused bottom lip in anticipation. Whatever it is I hope Beau loves it. I didn't wait for a second more before I flipped the bag upside down releasing its contents on the thick comforter.

I eyed the items in confusion before picking up the lacey material. It unfurled, revealing what resembled a really long sheer song. It was a lavender color, very soft and lightweight, its twin lay on the bed in a heap next to an even lacier pair of really cool underwear. I tilted my head as I examined it, eyebrows furrowing. I doubt Beau would be the one wearing it, no the dainty material was definitely meant for me. I guess the only thing I couldn't comprehend was how this was a gift for my mate if I was the one wearing it.

Well, even if Beau doesn't like them, I think they're cute. With a noncommittal shrug, I stood back up and shimmied out of Beau's boxers. I slipped into the fancy brief first before pulling up the thigh-high socks. I admired how cute my lower half looked with all the garments on. A light tinge filled my cheeks at how exposed my privates were, but I didn't really mind, Beau's seen me naked more than once. It wasn't in a wolf's nature to be conservative either.

I scrambled back onto the bed to go through the rest of the things Rowan had gotten. There were two more sets like the one I was wearing, one black and one teal. I set them to the side after admiring them for a moment. Next, I picked up a thick band-necklace- thing that had a charm on it that read I belong to Sir. I didn't really know what to make of this one but I put it on anyway. If by 'Sir' it meant Beau, then I was more than okay with that. After all, I do belong to him. He is my mate after all.

Last but not least there was a box attached to it was a sticky note that read: This is for you Kolbe for when Beau's not around ;). I tilted my head in interest and picked it up. The packaging was a see-through plastic the graphic saying 'Silicon' across it. Intrigued, I took the purple, cylindrical item out of the plastic box and turned it over in my hands. What am I supposed to do with this? I thought in confusion. My finger rubbed against a lump that I realized was a button. I pressed it and it began vibrating violently, with a startled squeak, I tossed the strange device and it landed in the middle of the bed, making a low humming sound as it sank against the covers.

Apparently, I'd taken quite some time going through all the things because I heard the front door open and close before the clocks clicked into place. My mate's heavy footsteps filled the house and I jumped off the bed, exiting the room in an excited hurry, the weird purple thing forgotten and still whirring on the bed.

"Kolbe?" Beau called. I didn't allow myself to be nervous as I followed the sound of his voice to the kitchen. I couldn't wait to show all the cool things Rowan had given me. "Oh there you-" The words seemed to die in his throat as he took in the sight of me as I walked into the kitchen with a face-splitting grin.

"Hi, Beau," I greeted happily. After a moment of no reply, I looked up at his face to see that his warm brown orbs had taken on a dark intense tint. He likes it so much he's speechless! I have to remember to thank Rowan for the next time she's in town. I was so pleased by Beau's reaction that I didn't notice the telltale glint in his eyes.

Unbeknownst to me, the tables had turned and I was no longer the predator. I was the prey. I continued on to show off the neat set I was wearing and the necklace along with it, ignorant of the fact that I was about to be well and truly



Rowan, you got to love her. She's making all of our dreams come true!

Poor Beau, I don't know how much more his control can take. Kolbe is just too adorable to handle!

I can't wait to see what happen next chapter, until then please leave your thoughts in the comments.

Thanks so much for reading!


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