How you sleep together

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Braum: No questions asked when you two sleep. He's of course automatically the big spoon but you don't mind being the little spoon at all. Think of him as a big fluffy poro or teddy bear, you literally cling to him because of the warmth that radiates off him. Braum chuckles when he finds you like that in the morning, you claim its the "unlivable temperatures" when you visit him in frejord.

Darius: Despite him being seen as a fearful soldier of Noxus or the  hand of Noxus as some call him, he is actually a softie in bed. Not in *cough* that way although hes quite the opposite in bed *wink Wink*. His arm is securely wrapped around your waist while you snuggle into his chest the sight of him being protective warms your heart. It would be a surprise if anyone would find out of this, but they probably wouldn't live to speak of it.

Ekko: The way you and Ekko sleep is just so adorable. Neither of you want to lose the other. Which results in your guys bodies being intertwined all night. On some occasions when you both feel safe he'll be the big spoon and you the little.

Ezreal: When- (you thought i dislike ezreal with a passion)

Garen: Being the gentleman he is he'll usually let you choose the position that both of you end up in. Your favorite position is laying on top of his chest  especially in the summer. But if you fall asleep somewhere other than the bed Garen will carry you to the bed and wrap his arms around being careful not to crush you. Another example would be if you were both relaxing and you happen to fall asleep on him he'll stay in that position to not wake you up. Did you know how cute and peaceful you looked while sleeping.

Gnar: (Disclaimer: I don't really know what Gnar's age would be since he isn't really included with yordle's in his lore. Some state he's immortal but i don't think he would be. So in this he'll be like a young teenager he'll also have a human form in this.) Even when he's not sleeping you can't help but cuddle the cute little bugger. In his little yordle like form you would let him lay peacefully on your chest with his face conveniently nestled in between your water balloons. In human form it'd be the same position but with his arm wrapped around your waste since he was a bit shorter. Who's your favorite cuddle buddy!? Thats right he is!

Jarvan: When you two come back from battle your both usually exhausted which is 78% of the time. Of course the both of you start taking of your armor i mean who would want to sleep in that? It'd be pretty um comfortable.  Then taking a shower together sometimes leading up to *cough* heated sessions and getting dressed for bed. You both like to have a little space in between each other and just stare at the others features until you eventually get tired and fall asleep holding hands.

Jayce: (gonna be short cuz i have little inspiration for him) You with one hand on his chest with your head next to it and his arm wrapped around your waist pulling you close. 

Malzahar: Your purple vodian lover absolutely loves when you cuddle into his embrace.Your sad? Cuddles. Someone bully you? Cuddles and them getting hunted down later. You both lay on your backs next to eachother when one of his arms wrapped around you and your arms lay on top of his chest.

Shen: Yup surprise! Your're dating shen which is kinda like a huge honor either that or you overwhelmed his human emotions making it hard for him to concentrate. Anyways he doesn't always have the time for sleep and forgets it himself that he is just a human man. You'll have to scold him and force him to go to sleep which he didn't mind much at all. These were the peaceful moments you both shared in the occasional breaks that ya'll get.

Talon: It takes a while for the noxus assassin to warm up to the idea of the both of you sleeping together in one bed. But when he does he loves to hold you close and nuzzle his face into your hair inhaling your sent, as if you could disappear any minute. Smiling at this you both fall asleep peacefully, though he doesn't show much affection you couldn't really complain.

Teemo: Same as gnar but you both fall asleep cuddling each other. But be careful not to squish him.

Varus: It might sound weird but hold on and listen to this crazy story. Although you may not believe it you are the big spoon most of the time. The reason is because Varus being a darkin is not really used to showing love or affection to others. But don't worry with some help from Valmar and Kai he'll warm up to it, seeing as the two ionian beast hunters already have a liking for you. You also try to make sure Varus doesn't get into to much trouble.

Wukong: He's definitely the big spoon in this relationship. Being as he is humanish monkey and has fur this is a trait you love when cuddling him. When it's cold you just cling to him like he was a blanket. 

Xin Zhao: You love laying on top of his chest while sleeping or just laying their relaxing while playing with his hair. Even if your a chubby bunny he doesn't mind besides it just means he gets to squeeze your ass. Nothing wrong with a little fluffyness.

Yasuo: He'd be on his flat on his back while you were laying on your stomach half of your body on top of his. One arm would be wrapped around your shoulders and one of your hands lay still on his chest. Even though the silence is a bit nerving you wouldn't ruin the aura that you have with him right now.

(A/n: It took me a day and a half to write this i was gonna finish it yesterday but, i passed out lel. Anyways if you have and requests just ask)

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