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"Michy get up we have to go to school" I yelled as I jumped on top of her and hit her with a pillow.

She rolled over rolling her eyes at me making me laugh. She's not a morning person at all.

"Someone excited about seeing there crush at school" she says nudging my shoulder.

Little did she know Shawn was long gone off my radar all I know is a Mr. Daddy... I mean Dolan.

"Yeah" I didn't really want to tell her the whole grayson thing, not because i didn't trust her but because she always tells me the truth and I don't wanna hear it.

For example when I started talking to Shawn she told me over and over he was using me and he will never like me because of his friends and I refused to listen and well she was right. So it's better I just figure this out on my own.

I jumped up running into my closet and throwing on a cute back to school outfit I love school it's the best thing ever and I need my education. Can you hear my sarcasm?

I threw on an outfit and put my hair in a messy bun and added some makeup keeping it simple.

I grabbed my purse and met michy at the door and we made our way to school

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I grabbed my purse and met michy at the door and we made our way to school.

We pulled up and I felt like just turning around and going home. I dread this so much but, it's my last year and I'm done.

I got out locking arms with michy as we walked into school. Everyone in there little clicks, the populars who stand around making fun of people, the nerds who stick to themselves, the jocks who stand around talking about sports, and then people like me and michy who get along with anyone who's nice to us. I went my seperate way from michy as I made my way to my locker. I got my books out and headed to class.

I walked in finding a seat in the back and soon the teacher came in making everyone go silent.

My mouth went wide as the dark haired Hazel eye man stood before me. He looked exactly like grayson. Expect his hair was longer and he was built a tad bit smaller but he was still a pretty good size man. His voice wasn't as quite deep as Grayson's either.

Why am I comparing him to grayson? What if there related? I mean they look like twins.

"Hello class, I'm your new science teacher and my name is Ethan but you will all call me Mr. Dolan" I gulped. Yeah there related or grayson has a long lost brother he doesn't know about.

Wait he did say he had a brother? But they ran the company together so why would he be my teacher? I was definitely over thinking all this. I'll just asked after class. Maybe.


I jumped out of my thoughts when I realized everyone was looking at me including Mr. Dolan. He was name calling and I was totally out of it.

"Oh um here" I held up my shakey hand and everyone went back to doing there own stuff. Thank god.

Class ended and I gathered all of my books and made my way to his desk. Should I bother him?  What if I look creepy?  I could just wait and ask grayson.

I go to walk out but my curiosity was eating me alive.

"Hey Mr. Dolan"

His head snapped towards me and holy fucking shit this man is beautiful.

"Yes uh-" he says forgetting what my name was.


"Yes skie, what can I help you with? " he was so proper and it made me giggly.

"Do you perhaps have a brother? " he looked at me creeped out or maybe it was just me because he took to long to answer.

"Uh yes I do, why you ask?" He says leaning back into his chair and lifting his hands behind his head. His muscles were popping through his tight fitting shirt.

"Oh just wondering" I bolted. I slapped up bolted. I never escaped a conversation so fast in my life.

What was I thinkin. Now he probably thinks I'm a weirdo, hopefully he will forget about me by tomorrow.

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