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"HE DID WHAT" I jumped at his strong voice as he punched the side of my jeep.

He ran his fingers through his hair and he walked back to his car and came back with his keys.

"Move over " I gave him a confused look and he looked at me telling me to move so he don't have to repeat him self.

I crawled over to the passenger seat and he got in and drove towards the school.

"Where are you going? " I started to panick because the school is the last place I wanna be right now.

"I'm going to the school and I'm gonna pull that sorry piece of shit out of his classroom and beat the life out of him" his knuckles were gripping onto the steering wheel so tight they were turning white.

I didn't Dare to say anything back to him because he was boiling mad and theirs really nothing to say.

He pulled up into the driveway and immediately jumped out slamming the door. I wanted to go in but a part of me didn't but what if I didn't who would help grayson?

I jumped out not waiting another minute and grayson was already in the school. I took off running as fast as I could.

I heard screaming and the next thing I see if grayson throwing Ethan out of the class room into the hallway. I stood there shocked. Damn.

He walked over straddling him as he threw punch after punch after punch. Ethan's face was pouring blood and my feet wouldn't let me move but if I didn't stop him he would kill him.

"Grayson you have to stop " I begged but it felt like he was in his own world and the only thing on his mind was Ethan.

"If you ever touch my girl again i swear I wont stop till your life leaves your body, your dead to me Ethan" he stood up spitting on him and his eyes met mine.

Ethan layed there coughing up blood. He looks up at me with and a smirk appears on his face. It made my skin crawl.

I walked over kicking him as hard as I could in his face. He grabbed it as it poured more blood. I felt a grip on my wrist and grayson pulled me away.

"We have to go skie" he says intertwining our fingers together and pulling me out of the school. We jumped in my car and made our way to Grayson's. He pulled up and put the car in park and I just buried my head in my hands.

"Skie, I'm - I'm so sorry that happened to you, but I promise I will never let someone hurt you again" he reached over laying his hand on my thight.

"I will protect you till my last breath baby" his words were so soft and sweet and I wanted to have him forever.

But in reality he still wasn't mine.

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