Sally Williams

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Art above drawn by, Dawn.

1. Her full name was, Sally Maryam Williams, but now likes to be called, Sally Maryam Dawn.

2. Nicknames for her are, Sal, Lil Ghost, Bright Eyes (Turn around, bright eyes... Total Eclipse of the Heart anyone?), and Ghost Girl.

3. Her catchphrases are, "Will you play with me?" and, "Play with me."

4. She was 12 years old when she died, which makes her the youngest creepypasta, but she likes to appear eight years old to children living in her home. If they're not a child though, she tries to scare them out.

5. She's a poltergeist, which means she can move small objects with her mind.

6. She doesn't kill people and hates seeing innocent people hurt.

7. She always carries her teddy bear, Mr. D due to her attachment with him.

8. She likes dolls, Mr. D, girly things, dresses, makeup, anything pink, playing any kind of game, watching cartoons, pranking, chocolate milk, playing tea party, eating sweets, and drawing/coloring.

9. She dislikes mentions of her uncle, killing, spiders, getting in trouble, getting in the way of anyone, the forest at night, and being abandoned.

10. Sally was originally a sweet and lovable girl and enjoyed playing with her friends. Unfortunately, they turned against her when her uncle Johnny raped, and later, killed her.

11. Even though her family left the house, Sally stayed. Every night residents could hear a little girl say, "Play with me."

12. Sally can appear and vanish and sometimes uses toys as weapons (I did say she didn't kill people, but it doesn't mean that she doesn't hurts them either).

13. Sally gets sad and misses her family, but by the time she wanted to leave the house she was cursed to stay there.

14. Sally's size doesn't change, but her mental age does. She can change her body size if she wanted to, but she likes to stay as a child.

15. Sally sees Slenderman as a father/mother figure (I think everyone does).

16. Sally loves to prank Jeff, but Jeff is a bit of a jerk to Sally.

17. Sally loves to meet new people and loves to play with them.

18. The creator of Sally supports the ship of Sally and BEN together. In fact, it seems like she doesn't mind any ships with Sally since she once wrote, "ALL THE SHIPS, ALL OF THEM" on a BEN x Sally stamp she made. Also, I'm pretty sure both creators have to agree on a ship for it to be canon, so BEN x Sally isn't exactly canon, and plus, she said she just supports it.

19. She sees Jeff the Killer, BEN, and Eyeless Jack as brother figures.

20. She sees Splendorman as a uncle/aunt figure.

21. She sees Smile.Dog as a "family pet" (I personally would not get Smile.Dog as a pet or consider Smile.Dog a pet of any kind even though it's an animal. Sorry Sally.).

22. She sees Jane the Killer as a sister figure.

23. She was born on, April 5th, 1958.

24. She just turned 61 this year (2018) on, April 5th (She's permanently 12 years old, this is just so you know how old she would be chronologically).

25. She is German American, and her native language is American English.

26. She is heterosexual.

27. She died on, April 5th, 1970 in her local park.

28. She's 4'8 when she's 12 years old, and 4'0 when she's eight years old.

29. Her teddy bear is called Mr. Death. (Mr. D for short). She is never seen without her precious little teddy bear.

30. Being forced to do something makes her grow paranoid and puts her on edge.

31. Being held or pinned down for prolonged periods of time leads her to believe she has done something bad.

32. She doesn't like being called by her real last name because it reminds her of her uncle and what he did to her. If someone does call her by her real last name she throws a fit/tantrum.

33. Sally can be stubborn and bratty at times, but she is also caring, honest, and confident. She can also get pretty jealous at times too.

34. She is created by, La-Mishi-Mish (Shilo Rose H.).

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