1) Weeks of June 7th- June21st

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Below are the listed pairs of this weeks partners. You will be given two weeks to read three chapters of your assigned partner. If your partner below is listed as a 'Nonwriter' then you do not have to read any chapters for the following two weeks. Since we are a little short on members I may have someone who is paired with a 'Nonwriter' to comment on someone elses story. Like always if you have any questions feel free to comment below or message me. Happy readings :)

A) TwoSpoonfulsOfSugar- Story Title: Heartbreaker Girl

A) 5soslife99- Story Title: First


B) NerdyAndGirly- Nonwriter

B) mrsmars123- Story Title: The New Boy and I


C) QuentesKellicF33Is69- Story Title: Obsessed

C) xwhiskey-princessx- Nonwriter


D) Murkylo- Nonwriter

D) MurkieLuver (Aka mwah)-  Story Title: Breaking Point


E) mrsmars123- Story Title: The New Boy and I

E) redblacklady- Story Title: Out Of Reach

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