3) Week of July 6th- July 20th

359 8 22

'Sup Treble Makers

Okay here's this weeks pairing. Last week I did absolutely terrible with trying to not leave you guys out. Anyways, I'll try to do better! Just comment below if I happen to forget ya!

Since this club has gotten a lot more popular I've decided to change the requirements from reading three chapters to four. (No one like odd number anyways Pffft)

Oh and if your partner from last week didn't review and comment on your story PM me and I'll handle it.

A) Murkylo

Non Writer


Title: How To Save A Life

B) xwhiskey-princessx

Non Writer

B) PockyCookie

Title: A Game Of Rabbit and Wolves

C) NetminLee_lovesKpop

Title: Mission: Be An Exo Stalker

C) BlueEyePhantom

Title: Califonria Girls

D) Perrydxse

Title: Far From Joy

D) BooksAddictTumnus

Title: The Royal Brotherhood

E) kellic_tbh

Title: Oblivion

E) youtube4liffe55

Title: This One's For You

F) redblacklady

Title: Out Of Reach

F) alleix13


G) bitter_sugar3

Title: Fallen Angel

G) DreamingOutLoud16

Title: Letters To Her

H) AMBrossart

Title: Sooner or Later

H) Smithsonian_

Title: Out of Time

I) Mikeosaur


I) swagswag1D

Title: Intoxicated

J) azamboni1D

Title: Strong

J) BrieTheCheese15

Title: Wishing On A Star

K) emelynacosta

Title: Something In The Sand

K) bamboo_74

Title: By Your Side

L) carebear456789


L) Ashtons_red_bandana

Title: Smile

M) direction_obsession

Title: How To Say Thank You

M) Bells_xx

Title: The Difference

N) Nicky_Irwin

Title: Drummer Boy

N) emily8727

Title: Letters To A Stranger

O) mrsmars123

Title: The New Boy and I

O) butterfly440

Title: Mirror Image

P) calhoodington

Title: Stutter

P) 5sostilidie


Q) biggiecal

Title: 154 Days

Q) Adorable_Nerd_4ever


R) 5soslife99

Title: First

R) marinandthe5sauce

TItle: Insanity

S) TwoSpoonfulsOfSugar

Title: Heartbreaker Girl

S) fallen_angel1800

Title: Before I Die

T) hephaiston

Title: From Yesterday

T) ImaaCrazyMofo


U) NerdyAndGirly


U) lexigurl_0174

Title: Along The Way

V) QuentesKellicF33Is69

Title: Obsessed

V) FullMetalLife

Title: I Need You

W) MorkieLuver

Title: Before It's Too Late

???) Does anybody wanna be my partner? We have an odd number of member... and I accidently left myself out. Who wants to take one for the team? :-) (Comment below)

Treble Makers Book Club (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now