part one

11 3 0


10:55 PM

<You have joined "Random Chatroom">

<Currently active: NyctoSolum17>

ESan_Skate42Lens: Hey

NyctoSolum17: Hey

NyctoSolum17: Have we met before?

ESan_Skate42Lens: Don't think so

ESan_Skate42Lens: I'm Evan

NyctoSolum17: Nice to meet you

ESan_Skate42Lens: Same

ESan_Skate42Lens: ...

ESan_Skate42Lens: So tell me something about you?

NyctoSolum17: Like what?

ESan_Skate42Lens: idk, what do you like to do?

NyctoSolum17: Well

NyctoSolum17: This probably sounds pretty nerdy

NyctoSolum17: But I really like astronomy.

ESan_Skate42Lens: Astronomy huh? Like stars and stuff?

NyctoSolum17: Yeah. Like I said, nerdy

ESan_Skate42Lens: I'm okay with nerdy

NyctoSolum17: Yeah sure. Let me guess, you're a skateboarder

ESan_Skate42Lens: ...

NyctoSolum17: Knew it

ESan_Skate42Lens: ...

NyctoSolum17: So maybe our interests don't exactly line up.

ESan_Skate42Lens: Hey, I'm not done yet. What else are you into?

NyctoSolum17: I like photography, I guess

ESan_Skate42Lens: Really?

NyctoSolum17: Yeah really

ESan_Skate42Lens: I like photography too

ESan_Skate42Lens: I actually post a lot of my photos online

ESan_Skate42Lens: But I think my friends would laugh at me if they knew that

NyctoSolum17: Hmm

NyctoSolum17: Maybe we have a little more in common than I thought.

ESan_Skate42Lens: SHIT

NyctoSolum17: What

ESan_Skate42Lens: Math test tomorrow that i didn't study for

ESan_Skate42Lens: gotta go. I'll be here again tomorrow, you know, if you want to chat

NyctoSolum17: Ok bye

ESan_Skate42Lens: wait-

ESan_Skate42Lens: what's your name?

<NyctoSolum17 has disconnected>

ESan_Skate42Lens: ...

<You have left "Random Chatroom">

a/n: The parts will get longer, this is the shortest one. I'm putting out two today to make up for it

Also, a "..." is meant to symbolize a pause, not that they're actually typing "..."   ;)

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