part nine

12 2 6


10:28 PM

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<Currently active: NyctoSolum17>

ESan_Skate42Lens: What's up?

NyctoSolum17: Listening to some TSB with my cat

ESan_Skate42Lens: I didn't know you had a cat

NyctoSolum17: I guess there's kind of a lot we don't know about each other

ESan_Skate42Lens: Yeah

ESan_Skate42Lens: We should do something about that

ESan_Skate42Lens: I have an idea

NyctoSolum17: Should I be nervous?

ESan_Skate42Lens: As private as you are, maybe

ESan_Skate42Lens: If a genie gave you 3 wishes right now what would you wish for?

NyctoSolum17: ... uh

NyctoSolum17: ... I need some time to think about that one

ESan_Skate42Lens: I guess it is pretty tough

ESan_Skate42Lens: It seems kind of selfish but... I think I would wish for my dad back

NyctoSolum17: ...

NyctoSolum17: Me too

ESan_Skate42Lens: I'd probably try to do something good with my second wish

ESan_Skate42Lens: You know, like something to benefit humanity or the earth or something, as an effort to feel like less of an asshole

NyctoSolum17: End global warming, maybe

ESan_Skate42Lens: Yeah, something like that

ESan_Skate42Lens: And then for my third wish...

ESan_Skate42Lens: I would wish for...

NyctoSolum17: I would wish to get rid of judgement

ESan_Skate42Lens: ...

NyctoSolum17: I would wish that people would stop judging each other

NyctoSolum17: Then you could share your photography and not be afraid people would make fun of you

NyctoSolum17: And other things like that

ESan_Skate42Lens: ...

ESan_Skate42Lens: Yeah

ESan_Skate42Lens: I like that one

NyctoSolum17: ...

NyctoSolum17: Do you speak any languages other than English?

ESan_Skate42Lens: Yeah, actually

ESan_Skate42Lens: My dad was Cuban, so I speak Spanish

NyctoSolum17: Cool

NyctoSolum17: I've always wanted to speak another language

NyctoSolum17: I taught myself some Latin, just for fun, but you know what they say

ESan_Skate42Lens: It's a dead language?

NyctoSolum17: Yeah

ESan_Skate42Lens: Nunca me contaste que significa la parte final de tu usuario. No dije nada pero ahora me pregunto- si lo meto en un traductor latino, ?te entenderé mejor?

NyctoSolum17: What.

ESan_Skate42Lens: Just wondering about something

ESan_Skate42Lens: Picture for today?

NyctoSolum17: I don't have one :/

NyctoSolum17: Here's a picture of my cat instead

<You have received "sesame.jpg">

ESan_Skate42Lens: Cute

ESan_Skate42Lens: What kind of cat is he?

NyctoSolum17: *she

NyctoSolum17: Sesame's a siamese

NyctoSolum17: Do you have any pets?

ESan_Skate42Lens: I wish

ESan_Skate42Lens: Mom's allergic

ESan_Skate42Lens: Here's my pic for today

<You have sent "reflection.jpg">

ESan_Skate42Lens: There was this little puddle on the street that was reflecting the sky and it looked really cool

ESan_Skate42Lens: What do you think?

NyctoSolum17: I think you're getting better at picking subjects for your photos

NyctoSolum17: Nice work

ESan_Skate42Lens: :)

NyctoSolum17: hbnnjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

ESan_Skate42Lens: ?

NyctoSolum17: Sorry that was Sesame

NyctoSolum17: She just laid down on the keyboard

ESan_Skate42Lens: Haha

ESan_Skate42Lens: Getting late huh

ESan_Skate42Lens: I should go. See you, Mia

NyctoSolum17: Night

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