part four

9 2 2


11:16 PM

<You have joined "Random Chatroom">

<Currently active: ESan_Skate42Lens>

NyctoSolum17: Sorry I'm so late

ESan_Skate42Lens: No problem

ESan_Skate42Lens: I had homework to do anyways

NyctoSolum17: I was out taking pictures

NyctoSolum17: I don't think I have any that are good enough to send.

ESan_Skate42Lens: bs they're probably better than mine

NyctoSolum17: Fine, but you first

ESan_Skate42Lens: Promise you won't judge me?

NyctoSolum17: Promise

<You have received "pink_dahlia.jpg">

ESan_Skate42Lens: Well, what do you think?

NyctoSolum17: I like it

NyctoSolum17: Nice backlight

ESan_Skate42Lens: Thanks

ESan_Skate42Lens: Your turn

NyctoSolum17: ...

<You have sent "drainpipe.jpg">

NyctoSolum17: I know it's ugly

NyctoSolum17: That's the point.

ESan_Skate42Lens: Yeah

ESan_Skate42Lens: It's really well done though

NyctoSolum17: :)

ESan_Skate42Lens: See, trusting me isn't the end of the world

NyctoSolum17: You're one to talk

NyctoSolum17: "Promise you won't judge me?"

ESan_Skate42Lens: touche

ESan_Skate42Lens: Hey before i forget, I don't think i'll be able to chat tomorrow

NyctoSolum17: Plans?

ESan_Skate42Lens: We have family over from California dropping by for the day :/

NyctoSolum17: Ok

NyctoSolum17: Have fun.

ESan_Skate42Lens: I don't think I can call it 'fun' but thanks anyways

NyctoSolum17: Heh

NyctoSolum17: Good luck, then.

ESan_Skate42Lens: Thanks

ESan_Skate42Lens: Later, mystery girl.

<ESan_Skate42Lens has disconnected>

NyctoSolum17: Later, Evan.

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