part five

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10:22 PM

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<Currently active: NyctoSolum17>

ESan_Skate42Lens: Hey, mystery girl

NyctoSolum17: Hi

NyctoSolum17: How was the family reunion?

ESan_Skate42Lens: Just as awful as I thought it would be

ESan_Skate42Lens: My little cousins got into my room and turned the place upside down

NyctoSolum17: Heheh

ESan_Skate42Lens: Hey, stop laughing!

ESan_Skate42Lens: How would you like it if I came to your room and tore all the posters off the walls?

NyctoSolum17: ...

ESan_Skate42Lens: ...

NyctoSolum17: What kinds of posters do you have in your room?

ESan_Skate42Lens: Uh...

ESan_Skate42Lens: Mostly skateboarding stuff

ESan_Skate42Lens: A couple football posters. I didn't used to be a big fan, but my dad... you know

NyctoSolum17: Yeah

ESan_Skate42Lens: Anyways... oh, and one of my favorite band

NyctoSolum17: Which is?

ESan_Skate42Lens: It's called Twenty Minutes Back, like no one's heard of it

NyctoSolum17: What kind of music?

ESan_Skate42Lens: rock/electronica i guess

NyctoSolum17: I'll have to check it out

ESan_Skate42Lens: Well, what have you got in your room?

NyctoSolum17: Nothing that interesting really

ESan_Skate42Lens: :|

NyctoSolum17: ...

NyctoSolum17: Some of my photography, framed

NyctoSolum17: A really big star chart that I got when I was six

NyctoSolum17: Some merch from shows I like

ESan_Skate42Lens: Cool

ESan_Skate42Lens: Hey... got any new pics for me?

NyctoSolum17: Yeah, actually

NyctoSolum17: I took this one yesterday

<You received "brokenfence.jpg">

NyctoSolum17: Had to go on a bit of a walk to find this place

NyctoSolum17: It started to rain on my way back, so I got pretty wet, but...

ESan_Skate42Lens: I think it was worth it, huh

ESan_Skate42Lens: That's really cool

ESan_Skate42Lens: Kind of sad, though

NyctoSolum17: Yeah.

NyctoSolum17: I like sad stuff, I guess

NyctoSolum17: Did you have any time to get away from your family and take any photos?

ESan_Skate42Lens: Nah, but I can share an old one, if you want

NyctoSolum17: Why not

<You sent "purple_sunset.jpg">

NyctoSolum17: I like that one a lot

ESan_Skate42Lens: I thought you might like the stars in it

NyctoSolum17: :)

ESan_Skate42Lens: :)

NyctoSolum17: Well

NyctoSolum17: Goodnight

ESan_Skate42Lens: Night, mystery girl

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