part ten

14 1 1

a/n: friendly reminder to check the date at the top of each chat log to see how much time has passed between chats!


10:40 PM

<You have joined "Random Chatroom">

<Currently active: ESan_Skate42Lens>

NyctoSolum17: Hello

ESan_Skate42Lens: Hi

ESan_Skate42Lens: Where were you yesterday?

NyctoSolum17: Sick again :/

NyctoSolum17: I have some health problems

NyctoSolum17: I get sick a lot

ESan_Skate42Lens: Oh

ESan_Skate42Lens: That sucks

NyctoSolum17: Yeah it does

NyctoSolum17: But I'm used to it

NyctoSolum17: It's just annoying because I can't get out to take photos

NyctoSolum17: I have to be stuck at home by myself

ESan_Skate42Lens: Sounds... lonely

NyctoSolum17: ...

NyctoSolum17: You're a smart kid, Evan Sanchez

NyctoSolum17: You should do something with your life

ESan_Skate42Lens: You think so, huh?

ESan_Skate42Lens: I don't know what I want to do though

ESan_Skate42Lens: What about you?

NyctoSolum17: I guess I'd like to be an astronomer

NyctoSolum17: But...

NyctoSolum17: I don't know if that'll happen.

ESan_Skate42Lens: Why not?

ESan_Skate42Lens: I bet you would be really good

NyctoSolum17: Heh

NyctoSolum17: That's not it

NyctoSolum17: But thanks

ESan_Skate42Lens: Hey want to see my picture today?

NyctoSolum17: Yeah let's see it

<You have received "dead_tree.jpg">

ESan_Skate42Lens: I was thinking about you when I took that one

ESan_Skate42Lens: I decided to try your ugly subject thing

NyctoSolum17: That's really good

NyctoSolum17: It's so...

ESan_Skate42Lens: Lonely?

NyctoSolum17: Yeah

NyctoSolum17: In a good way

NyctoSolum17: I think that's my favorite out of the ones you've shown me so far.

ESan_Skate42Lens: I'm glad

ESan_Skate42Lens: Well do you have a picture today?

NyctoSolum17: Like i said, I couldn't get out yesterday but...

<You have sent "eye.jpg">

ESan_Skate42Lens: ...

ESan_Skate42Lens: That's not your usual style

ESan_Skate42Lens: ...

ESan_Skate42Lens: Is that your eye?

NyctoSolum17: ...

NyctoSolum17: Yes

ESan_Skate42Lens: It's really beautiful

NyctoSolum17: ...

NyctoSolum17: ...

NyctoSolum17: I need to go

<You have left "Random Chatroom">

a/n: Did anyone catch the hint Evan dropped about what Mia's username means? Remember what he said to her in Spanish last time.

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