Chapter 1 - Part 2

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Just as the professor entered the classroom, Desi snatched up his books and hopped lanky-legged over the seats separating them, until he planted himself next to the other boy, grinning slyly when his response was closed eyes and a controlled exhale, pen stilling against his paper. Desi waited until the professor had started the lesson and his neighbor had let his shoulders loosen, then hissed under his breath.

"Hey. Cas."

The boy's doodling paused again briefly, then picked up when he responded back, an equally low whisper, but with a pointed tone. "That's not my name."

Desi grinned. "Sorry. I thought you didn't like Casper 'cus of everyone making fun of you in high school."

Casper sighed again, finally giving Desi his attention enough to make eye contact, his brown eyes almost as dark as the rest of his outfit. "I'm reclaiming it. You know, like gay people with the word 'faggot'." Casper's hard expression cracked finally, the corner of his flatline lips tilting up when Desi choked down a snort at his subtle joke.

"Fair enough..." Desi tapped his pen on his desk, letting the grin on his face settle before prying further. "You're still drawing?"

Seeing Desi eyeing his notebook, Casper quickly shut it and sat back in his chair. "What's it to you?" he asked, yanking his oversized long-sleeve back up when it rode down his skinny shoulder with his stiffened posture.

Desi shrugged innocently. "No reason I just remember you being pretty good."

There was clearly a reason though; Desi didn't try to hide his coy expression. Still, Casper loosened with the complement, brushing it off sheepishly as he fiddled with the hem of his sleeves in his palms. "Nothing special."

Milking the comment, Desi added, "would have thought you'd go to art school, to be completely honest."

Casper rolled his eyes in response, but not at Desi's observation. "My parents insisted on a business degree. They don't think I can do anything with drawing." His sour tone said more than he did.

Desi gave a hum of understanding under his breath. "The gatekeepers. That's the best part of being a broke-ass punk like me. When you make money it's yours to spend as you want."

"And you're spending your drug money on an economics class?" Casper offered another lick of sarcasm with a straight face. "I feel like there's some irony in that."

Desi pushed his knuckles into his lips to hide another laugh, directing his eyes forward, pretending to listen to the professor as he settled his giggles. Once he calmed down, Desi opened his own book to begin to take notes, adding an afterthought. "It's nice to have a familiar face here."

Casper, who had followed suit and opened his book again as well, paused the motion briefly, before letting his shoulder slouch to continue doodling.

Waiting until the end of class to speak again, Desi almost missed his opportunity when Casper was up and heading for the exit before he'd even gathered his books. He had to jog a few steps to catch up, although once he did it was easy to stay in pace with the other boy, considering the few extra inches he had in his stride.

"Hey, so there's something you might be able to help me with."

Casper lifted an eyebrow. "You know that just because we have an economics class together we aren't suddenly friends, right?"

Desi grinned cheekily, choosing to ignore the deadpan comment. "I need a design drawn for me."

"Again, failing to see where your problem becomes my problem," Casper retorted, clearly growing impatient, picking up his pace to a fast walk.

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