The World Tournament: Before Round Two

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"And the winner is Everblade!!" The announcer exclaimed as the crowd cheered. My vision slowly cleared, as I was seeing red, and realization hit me.

I had won. But I didn't feel like I had won. I feel like... like if I were sick, and upset at the same time. I just didn't really feel anything about it. I decided to be a good person and help up the poor guy.

"Hey, I just wanted to apologize for sorta kicking your ass." I held out a hand to the boy with long black hair. He smiled, taking my hand.

"Don't worry about it. That was... very impressive." He grinned, causing my cheeks to slightly heat up- ONLY slightly.

"Thanks." I flipped my hair over my shoulder full of pride, as I made my way to the waiting lounge. The boy decided to follow me. "By the way, my name is Kur- I mean, Everblade." God damnit. Way to go moron, you almost blew your cover.

"That's such a cool name! Is it a nickname?" He asked. I shrugged.

"More like a stage name." I replied.

"Sweet. My name is Son Goten. Maybe... we could fight again sometime?" He grabbed my hand-a gutsy move- and spun me in his direction. We were in the waiting area now, so there was a little privacy.

"Hmm... is this a request for a rematch I'm hearing?" I smirked. "If so, than I accept. Give me a date, time, and place. I'll be there."

"Maybe... tomorrow? Noon, at the Capsule Corporation building?" He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Sure. It's settled then." I got close to his face, to where our noses were almost touching. But since I was shorter than him, I tugged on his shirt a bit to pull him to my height. "I'll see you then. And, don't hold back this time. You'll lose if you do." I said with a little hint of seductiveness in my voice. His face immediately reddened, but got even redder when I heard this gassy, low growl type... thing. I backed away, looking at Goten in curiosity. "What was that? Are you okay?"

"U-Uh... I'm fine. Sorry, that was just my stomach." He chuckled nervously. I took in the information but ended up laughing.

"You're such a moron!" I laughed. He laughed, stepping away from the wall I had pinned him to.

"Why don't we go to the cafeteria? You could meet my friends and family." He grinned. "Besides, you can already tell from what you just heard I'm pretty hungry."

"Actually, I could go for something to eat myself. And I'd love to meet your friends and family. Only, not the purple haired kid. He's such an ass hat." I growled. Goten laughed, leading me into the cafeteria.

"Well, he can uh... get that way sometimes. But he's really a nice person." Goten assured me as we stumbled upon a table with a large group of people... and a large amount of plates.

"So uh... is this your family?" I asked. I squirmed uncomfortably, since my tail is starting to get cramps.

"Yeah. Hey guys! Is there room for two more people?" Goten waved towards the group. Sure enough, that purple haired prick tackled Goten, giving him noogies.

"You sure got your ass handed to you huh Goten?" He laughed, then locked eyes with me. "Bet you only held back because she's a girl." I snarled, getting in his face. I jabbed a finger into his chest, trying to hold myself back a little.

"And I bet he's only your friend for your money." It looked like I had struck a nerve, because his eyes had widened. "And I bet you're only cocky because you aren't confident about yourself and you don't wanna be beat by a girl... am I wrong?" I step away crossing my arms. The tension in the atmosphere could easily be sensed in a ten mile radius. Goten grabbed my arm, expanding the distance between us before I punched him.

"Come on guys, don't start this now. Maybe you two will be fighting later, so you can settle your... differences then." As Goten tried to push me towards the group, Trunks HAD to get one last comment in.

"Have fun kissing the dirt when you lose... after all, you're only a weak child." Time seemed to slow as I instantly connected my fist with his face. He went flying into another table as Goten locked my arms behind my back.

"Opponents 'Fist' attacks your 'Face'. No, you cannot activate a trap card. Your life points reached zero. Go to the shadow relm bitch." (A/N: Comment if you get the reference!) I growled. A few people stood from their seats as I kept struggling in Goten's grip.

"Come on Everblade, it isn't worth it. Stop."

"I don't care! That bastard needs to get his teeth knocked into the back of his-" My stomach gurgled loudly, cutting off my insult. I stopped struggling, as I suddenly became really weak.

"Uh, Everblade? Are you okay? You just stopped moving." Goten made me face him as I nodded.

"Yeah. I'm just kinda starving..." I huffed. Someone who looked VERY similar to Goten-face wise- came up from behind him.

"Hey, are you alright? You look a little pale." His voice was full of concern. Goten looked me up and down, then stared me in the eyes.

"Everblade. I want you to answer me seriously on this, okay?" I nodded. "When was the last time you ate?"

"Uh... I don't even remember..." I replied. A girl came over and looked at my arms.

"Yes... You're very malnourished indeed... how were you able to participate in the tournament at all?" She asked me. I backed away from the group, growing uncomfortable with the amount of attention I was receiving. I wrapped my arms around my stomach to keep it from growling again.

"I... I don't know. Okay? I don't have anywhere to live." I looked down at my bruised feet, letting my tail out of my shorts. "I'm homeless."

"What the-?! She's a Saiyan?!" A man with a widows peak exclaimed at me in complete shock.

"I... What's a Saiyan?" I asked.

"That doesn't matter right now." A woman with blue hair helped Trunks to a seat before looking at me. "We need to get something into your system." She led me to a chair and set a plate of steaming hot pasta in front of me. My mouth watered a river as I pushed myself away.

"Thanks, but no thanks. It would feel too weird to eat so much more than I'm used to." Someone pushed my chair back in, and I had to push my arms against the table to keep from getting squished.

"Everblade. At this point you don't have a choice." It was the guy who said I was pale. "I'm sorry, you don't know my name. My name is Gohan, I'm Goten's older brother." Gohan seemed extremely kind.

"Nice to meet-" I was cut off by the announcer.

"Ladies and gentlemen! If you would please make your way back to the arena for our semi-final match, Everblade v.s. Trunks!!"

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