The World Tournament: Round Two, Part Two

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The arena atmosphere seemed to grow darker and darker as grey clouds rolled over the sky. Everblade's eyes started shifting from their beautiful ocean blue, to a cold and dark gold. Her hair was starting to fade from its snowy white to pastel black, like she had lost all her joy and stumbled into hatred. Trunks watched this horrid transformation in shock. What had happened to the girl he was fighting? He felt a stronger level of ki from her- no, its was STILL climbing!

Everblade picked up her head, laughing sadistically. "How DARE you call ME useless?! I am your QUEEN. BOW to me, or face DEATH."

Trunks looked at her in utter confusion. His "queen"? What drug was she on?

As she stepped forward, the arena crumbled under her feet. Her smile seemed to stretch beyond the regions of her face, muscular boundaries being ruined by that terrifyingly beautiful smile. Trunks immediately went super saiyan, surprising the girl.

"Oh... so you can change your form?" She giggles, sending chills up his spine. "Guess I might as well too." She brought her arms in at her waist, a familiar golden aura replaced her black aura. Her eyes faded into a solid ghostly white, as the golden aura suddenly turned a dark yellow with tints of red. Goku and Vegeta watched closely from the sidelines.

"Vegeta... you see this too, don't you?" Goku asked. Vegeta grunted in response.

"I'm not blind Kakarot. I can see." He huffs.

"False Super Saiyan. She can achieve it so well... I haven't seen that form in years." Goku commented. "But... doesn't she look and sound a little different?"

"I see no change. She's still weaker than Trunks." Vegeta replied, keeping his eyes locked on the battle. He refused to admit that Trunks might not have a fighting chance against her.

Everblade's new form shook the stadium as she slowly took four intimidating steps towards the golden half-breed. she held up a graceful right hand in a finger gun shape, silver balls of light gathering together at her fingertips. With a happy, yet completely fake smile, she winked at Trunks. He could barley process what she said before a shooting pain exploded from his left arm down and across his chest. As his hair faded from its golden heroic glow back to its lavender shade, he realized she had muttered the word- "Die."

Time seemed to slow as Vegeta, Goku, and Goten rushed from the stands to the arena floor. Vegeta went to Trunks, (who was thankfully still breathing. She had purposely kept him alive) Goku stayed as defense, and Goten went to Everblade.

"E-Everblade... what are you doing?" Goten asked with pure horror in his eyes. Everblade dropped her False Super Saiyan form and looked Goten in the eyes. She stepped towards him as people in the audience ran for their lives in complete and utter fear.

"What am I doing? What am I doing, he asks. And my reply is, I'm doing this for my own gain. Your pathetic race that you call 'human' absolutely revolts me to my very being. Mix that with the Saiyan blood and you get a mistake. That's what SHE is. I'm perfection. I'm everything she could wish for and SO MUCH MORE. You wouldn't understand because you're WORTHLESS." And with that, Everblade's hatred filled eyes flushed back into their innocent sky blue, her hair losing its color and going back to its pure white. As she lost consciousness and lost her balance, Goten swiftly caught the girl who hid many answers to the fighter's questions.

"So..." Goku questioned, "Anybody know what just happened?"

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