The Dinner Date

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"You're an artist, Rosie!" Susanna praised Rosie as she spread the watercolor paints across the paper, creating swirls and jagged lines of green, blue, purple and yellow. They were sitting at the table doing watercolor art and waiting for the Baker Street Duo to return from Scotland Yard.

"Arftth!" Rosie mimicked and smacked her hands on the paper again, giggling with glee. Susanna chuckled.

"Very good, Rosie!" Rosie squealed with excitement as Susanna set out another piece of paper for her to paint on. The nanny took Rosie's hands and dipped them in paint, then guided them back to the paper where she helped Rosie 'sign' her work; by gently pressing her hands against the canvas in a corner. Then she let Rosie go to town while she cleaned up a bit and made sure that Rosie's art was drying properly.

The sound of the door closing downstairs and two sets of shoes pounding up the staircase brought a cheeky smile to Susanna's face. John and Sherlock entered the living room and Susanna called them to the kitchen. The army doctor appeared first, rounding the corner with a bright smile that only widened when he saw Rosie laughing and making art.

"Hello, Rosie!" He greeted, picking her up and kissing her on her cheek.

"Da-Da!!" Rosie squealed and touched his cheeks, leaving muddled green-blue prints that garnered a laugh from Susanna.

"Looks like you've had a fun day, Susanna."

"Ohh yes. Lots of watercolors," Sherlock walked in and his lips tweaked upwards, seeing Susanna covered in watercolor paint. He put an arm around her hip and brushed a kiss on her lips, "Case Closed, Love?"

"Yes. Probably just in time for another one, of course," Sherlock replied, "You've got paint all over you, Lover mine." John stifled a snicker. Only a Holmes would call their girlfriend that.

"It'll wash out easily enough," She assured and held up Rosie's completed works, "I think you might have a little Picasso on your hands, John."

"Oh indeed!" He took the papers and looked through them with Rosie while Susanna started to clean things up. Sherlock helped, if only to set up his lab equipment once space was cleared. Once the kitchen was clean Susanna went to the bathroom to clean herself up and Sherlock's easy smile melted into an expression of urgency.


"What?" The doctor quickly remembered their earlier discussion, "Oh, that. Sherlock, you've been dating-"


"Courting for a month. I still don't see how you haven't taken her out on an actual date. But I don't understand why you're so nervous about asking her."

"We've been too busy handling crowds of curious relatives and friends. That, and Mycroft left me with a stack of cases that took up my time." Sherlock answered.

John whistled, "Well, Sherlock, I think you should just ask her out for dinner. Straight out. You must have a few favorite restaurants in London's great metropolis," Sherlock still looked at him with desperate eyes, "Sherlock, you're courting. It's not like you're asking her on a blind date."

Susanna exited the bathroom, paint free, and the two silenced. She walked into the kitchen and stood next to Sherlock who had stiffened up considerably, "Hey, is something up?"

John caught Sherlock's gaze and nodded towards Susanna. The detective cleared his throat and turned to face her, "Susanna, I was thinking that we might have a dinner date tonight." John wanted to laugh but didn't.

Susanna smiled, "Of course, that'd be great, Sherlock!" John again had to stifle his responses as Sherlock relaxed. So he stepped out of the kitchen to allow himself some air.

"How do you feel about dancing?" Sherlock asked. Susanna beamed and giggled.

"I love dancing!" He smiled and bent down to press a kiss against her lips.

"Excellent, I know just the place then!" Sherlock mused and walked her out into the living room.

"Do I get to know where we're going, Sherlock?" The detective shook his head.

"I can't let you know everything if I want to surprise you." Sherlock answered. Susanna blushed and chuckled.

"Alright then. I presume that I should go home and get ready."

"Dress up," Sherlock instructed and handed her her purse. He then walked her to the door, "I'll come get you at seven."

"I'll be ready," They smiled and exchanged a few kisses, "See you soon, Sherlock!" and then Susanna left to get ready. Sherlock hurried back up to 221B to find John in a fit of laughter.

"What, John?"

"You moron! You totally freaked before you asked her and then played cool about it?"

Sherlock shifted, "It was easy."

"I know! But you, mate, you're hopeless!" John continued laughing and made his way upstairs with Rosie. Sherlock exhaled and grabbed his phone to set everything up for their date.

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